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D. D. Designator and cards like it

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is it possible to create a deck around cards that declare names, or simply allow you to see what your opponent has in their hand/deck? For instance, one use could be Ceremonial Bell in defense, X-saber airbellum (or spirit reaper if they have no monsters) and discard something you see in their hand.


There's also using stuff like Ominous fortune telling to burn away life points, or using Convulsion of Nature + Archfiend's oath for some great draw power. neither would be meta game for sure, but it sure would be a fun thing to use casually.


Any thoughts on whether or not this is possible/ practical?

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This is a fairly common deck idea known as All-Seeing Eye. I remember running the Convulsion of Nature version with Dark Scorpions (where being able to see the opponent's deck makes their reverse-mill 2 effects actually useful).


Like most control decks, it has been too slow to be viable pretty much since PTDN was released, but it's definitely fun to use.

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