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Ok here is my tut for how to make a token on GIMP.


[spoiler=TUT]Firstly open your card generator. Make the name Token. In the lore say:

This card can be used as any Token. Make it an Effect monster and a lvl1. Now fill in the Set ID. DO NOT FILL IN ANYTHING ELSE.

Click generate and right click your card and scroll to click properties. Copy the Address location and paste it into a new tab/window. Scroll along and where it says 'Attribute' , type in something stupid and random to get rid of the attribut. Where it says 'Level', delete the number 1 beside it. Now go all the way to the end where it says 'Serial=' and type in:

This card cannot be in a deck.

Now go to the bit where it says subtype and delete it. Copy it and open in GIMP. Firstly use the little color picker tool and click on the effect box. This will automatically change the foreground colour. Use the paint brush and take out the brackets and the ATK and DEF. Move the lore up to the top of the effect box.Go to Colors>Hue-Saturation and drag the Hue and Saturation all the way to the left. Open your pic over the card and position it








^Reps Appreciated^

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1)tut is bad

2)you dont need gimp or anything else to make a token

3)example is not HQ

if you read how to make sub-types thread you would know how to make it the easy way


2)Yes you do



Anyway, i was just making this tut because all the other token tuts are not realistic

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