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The YCM Dictionary


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Too often have I seen a scene like this:


Not nooby guy: LOL!

Nooby guy: What does LOL mean?


So I decided to make this:


The YCM Dictionary



BTW: By the Way




DKDCDAM: Don't Know Don't Care Don't Ask Me

Epic: Incredible

Epic Fail: You fail so much.

**Facepalm**: That was stupid

FTL: For the lose

FTW: For the Win




GTFO: Get the F** out.

GTH: Go to Hell

IC: In Character

IDC: I don't care.

IDK: I don't know

IDKIDC: I don't know I don't care.

IMO: In My Opinion

ITT: In this thread/topic.




Jks: Jokes

lmao: laughs my @$$ off

Lol: Laugh out Loud

LOLF: Laughing on lamenant flooring

Lolwth: Lol what the hell

Lolwut: Lol What




Noa: A cool way to say now

Newb: A new member.

Noob: Someone who refuses to listen and/or learn or just plain sucks outright.

OCG: Official Card Grammar

OMC: Oh My Clariex

OMG: Oh my God

OoC: Out of character




Plz: Please

ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing

ROFLMFAO: Rolling on floor laughing my fat a** off.

Q4T: Quote for truth.




STFU: Shut the Fu** up.




Vanilla: Monster with no effect.

*VLF* Very Large Facepalm

Win: Do someone epic

WTF:What the F***

WTH: What the Hell

WYT: What ya think.







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I hope it helps.

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Guest Zeonark

Too often have I seen a scene like this:


Not nooby guy: LOL!

Nooby guy: What does LOL mean?


So I decided to make this


This is'nt need most people know these already




Phrase: FTL

Meaning: For The Lose


Phrase: OMG

Meaning: Oh my god


Phrase: ITT

Meaning: In this thread/topic

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