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Those are some pretty nice cards you have so far. Especially how you show the process of them digivolving. There are just some things you can adjust though:

- Several of the images could do with a background, but this is something minor.

- Some people may think that using "Digimon" as a Type is wrong, but you can use it as a Sub-Type. So instead of all of them being the same Main Type, you can also include real ones.

-There are several OCG (Official Card grammar) errors, but it's far from horrible. For example, Gabumon's effect should be:

"You can Tribute this card by the effect of "Digivolve" to Special Summon 1 "Garurumon" from your hand or Deck OR by the effect of "Warp Digivolve" to Special Summon 1 "MetalGarurumon"."

-The effects are fine, but they could do with an additional effect instead of the same one being repeated. For example, you can translate the ability of a Digimon into an effect that would make the card more interesting and related to the character.


BTW, here is an example of a card that I made now to help you. Feel free to add anything from here:

[spoiler= [b]Card Example[/b]]





But overall, this Set looks promising. Just understand what people are saying, and you will make an awesome Set. 5/10 so far, Keep it up!

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- Several of the images could do with a background' date=' but this is something minor.

- Some people may think that using "Digimon" as a Type is wrong, but you can use it as a Sub-Type. So instead of all of them being the same Main Type, you can also include real ones.

-There are several OCG (Official Card grammar) errors, but it's far from horrible. For example, Gabumon's effect should be:

[i']"You can Tribute this card by the effect of "Digivolve" to Special Summon 1 "Garurumon" from your hand or Deck OR by the effect of "Warp Digivolve" to Special Summon 1 "MetalGarurumon"."[/i]

-The effects are fine, but they could do with an additional effect instead of the same one being repeated. For example, you can translate the ability of a Digimon into an effect that would make the card more interesting and related to the character.


K,THX I already have all the season 1 digimon done and I'm not gonna change them but I will make a note on that for season2's.


BTW I thought I said no complaining:x

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K' date='THX I already have all the season 1 digimon done and I'm not gonna change them but I will make a note on that for season2's.


BTW I thought I said no complaining:x



You're welcome. And If I was complaining, I would be saying "These cards suck! The effects are horrible and the pics are just bad!" and that's it.

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