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Easy way to add backgrounds to your card images. GIMP required.

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Tired of people telling you that your cards are horrible because you dont ahve a background? Here's a simple solution.


Step 1: Make sure that your image has a white or black background(if the image already has a transperent background, skip to number 5), or any other color, but only one. Open the image on GIMP.


Step 2: Select the select by color tool. It looks like a small orange hand pointing at three blocks of color.


Step 3: On the top of the image, it should say file and all that what not. Click on layers. In the scroll down, it should say transparency. Click on that and then click add alpha channel.


Step 4: While the select by color tool is on, click on the one-color background. Now everything in that image of the same color will be surrounded by a small line. On your keyboard, press the delete button. Now everything in the image of that color is erased.


Step 5: Save the background you want to your computer. While GIMP is on, press ctrl+l. This will open up the layer box. Open your backgrond as a layer.


Step 6: Using the green arrows in the layer box, put the background behind the original image and re-size it if you need to. Now you are done. Enjoy not being blamed for lack of backgrounds.

[spoiler=Example without background]2vl8cj5.jpg


[spoiler=Example with background]15ntz78.jpg



Hope this works.

Have any problems? PM me

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Ok, it is for what its made... ADD EASE BGz... but you can make a better background by working a bit on it... the render in the example is not the best (Indeed, you rendered it...) but even the image was not it to do a best... keep trying but still no rep to be gave...

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