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where to upload pics?


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I am assuming that you are using the download version of YCM, I would just like to say that there are many problems with this and I would recomend you use the onlline version because its more user friendly.


To answer your question about uploading files the site that I use is TinyPic

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okay thank you but im using the images from the sites in the topic thats pinned with the upload sites and what not but im using the website with the dragon pics now will that link work? or will i have to upload it?

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For the dragon pic site, once you have the image in full size, scroll down, directly underneath is download. A dialog box will open, select save, and save it like you would anything else. DO NOT select open, unless you don't mind about the clutter your computer will expierience through the Temporary folder and/or files.


As for zak's question. On the download version, you simply need to browse through your pictures. I haven't found about the .YCM file issue from YCMaker, but I don't think this was always the problem, I suggest you use the Online Version, a link for which can be found at the top of this page. It is far more advanced than the Download version, and the current 'weapon of choice' of the vast majority of members here.

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