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Splicing (Needs PSP7)


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1. Get your sprites from http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites.html

2. Open PSP7.

3. Open two new image things both 200x200 pixels.

4. Select the first one and go to edit-->>paste-->>as new layer( Do that with the second sprite in the other box.)

5. Erase the parts off your basic pokemon that you don't need.

6. Use the selection tool and select the first part that you are going to move to your basic pokemon.

7. edit-->>cut

8. Go to your basic pokemon and select in edit-->>paste-->>as new layer.

9. Do steps 6, 7 and 8 with different parts.


Here is my first one.[attachment=16454]



I'd like to here your comments on my tut. Please post your splices too.

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