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Skilless Village vs Spell Counter

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Let's discuss these two deck types.


What advantages do each have? Disadvantages?

How well do both perform in the current meta?

What advantages does one have over the other?


These are just questions to get YCM thinking. Now, discuss!





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can you post the cards? I want to see what they do.


they aren''t just cards, their decktypes.


village's advantage is that it can get set up early game, but it will not do much else since there are few big ATK spellcasters, and you need a caster on the field to keep the spells locked down, AND make sure your opponent doesn't have a caster on the field as well, as that will break the lock as well.


and then it's one heavy storm away from ripping you to shreads.



citadel/spell-counter decks work off a third resource, spell counters, which gives them a considerable advantage over other decks that MUST keep card advantage in order to stay in control, this deck can afford to lose some card advantage because the counters give access to advantage gaining effects, such as magical exemplar's effect to summon summon casters from the hand or grave for counters equal the monster's level, or endymion, which in addition to summoning itself, also lets you grab a spell from your grave for 6 counters off citadel, which happens to have the effect that it grabs any and ALL spell-counters that would be lost from the destruction of a card. these effects just build on each other throughout the game to eventualy overwhelm the opponent.


it is within this deck's power to do several things a turn without using up ANY cards at all, which can be impressive in it's own right.


the main weakness of the deck is that you need to play more spells than traps to be effective, meaning that you don't have much room for counter play cards such as T.T. or solemn judgement.


the good part about this deck is that it will work off your opponent's spells as wel as yours, and it contains a lot of protection and re-use cards.

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The only issue with Spell Counter Decks is that complete reliance on Spell Counters to start gaining momentum and when they can't get the counter system going they end up dying really fast. However, using cards like Pitch Black Stone in conjunction with Arcanite Magician was incredibly fun.


Secret Village decks were more competitive as they had more application to an anti-meta strategy with lock down tactics. Skill Drain and Royal Oppressions were key cards while Burden of the Mighty was an ideal tech choice.

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