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How To Create a Sucsessful Card


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This tutorial will teach you how to make a good card.

First, you need the pic.

Next, we move on to the card.

First, the name. I'll get creative:


Good. Now the attribute. I'll make it a WATER. Let's see:


OK. Now for the type. A WATER monster would usually be either a dragon or a sea serpent. I'll make it a sea serpent. I'll also add an effect. Let's see how it looks:


WOW! Now the ATK and DEF. The ATK and DEF usually depends on the level, so I'll add the level, too:


We're almost done! You don't really need the circulation, so we'll skip that. You don't need the set ID, either. The year is already in for you. For the creator just type your username. Just hit random for the serial number. I'll make the rarity a rare. We're done:


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You have got to be funking kidding me... -_-


There is not ATK/DEF points, serial number, creator, circulation, the name sucks, the pic is an inverted Slifer, and OCG is bad. This tut is terrible and I hope anybody looking at this thread realizes that the only thing to lean here is that this is the absolutely wrong way to make a successful card.

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