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*Academy Of Mysteries - Prizes Handed Out Frequently*

God Kaiba™

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Welcome to the Academy of Mysteries The most mysterious academy ever. You will bedueling, competing in contests and chat or discuss stuff in this academy to become Master of Masters.

Just PM me a Yugioh card that represents you. This must be very good as it will depend on which rank you start in.


Here are the 4 mysterious ranks and what level is needed to get through to that rank:

Light Inforcers – 1/39 - you start at level 1 and can only duel light and dark inforcers but can compete in all types of contests.


Dark Inforcers – 40/79 - You Start at level 40 and can duel only dark, light and gold inforcers.


Gold Inforcers – 80/99 - start at Level 80 and you can duel everyone and can compete in all contests.


Inforcer Assistants – 100+ - You can only get to this rank when your level is 100. You can duel everyone but you cannot compete in contests you help me prepare contests or events. Also for every contest you help e for this Academy you get 1 rep.


Plus you get 1 rep when you move up 1 rank.


Please join





God Kaiba



Dim Sim - LV 100


Light Inforcers:

DAJ - LV 1

Jak35 - LV 1

Kid - LV 1

Natedog2001 - LV 1


Dark Inforcers:

YC Developer - LV 40

Jinz - LV 40

Tallman95 - LV 50

Kizzi - LV 40

Sythcaris - LV 45

Dannystfu9898 - LV 40

University222 - LV 40

Yaden Yuki - LV 40

Yankeefan07 - LV 40

Rahim The Card Maker - LV 40


Gold Inforcers:

Da-clown-of-hell - LV 85

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