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Power RangerzZ

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Afther hearing that Returner works with Fortress i decided to recreate a deck that use to play back in the day.


[spoiler=1: Power Blaster

2: Zordon

2: White Ranger

2: Blue Ranger

2: Pink Ranger

2: Green Ranger

2: Red Ranger

2: Yellow Ranger

2: Black Ranger

2: Alpha 5

1: Ninjor

]1: Machina Force

2: Jinzo

2: Cyber Dragon

2: Machina Fortress

2: Machina Gearframe

2: Green Gadget

2: Red Gadget

2: Yellow Gadget

2: Scrap Recycler

2: Jinzo Returner

1: Card Trooper




2: Bottomless Trap Hole

1: Torrential Tribute

1: Call Of The Haunted

1: Mirror Force



3: Solidarity

2: Enemy Controller

1: Brain Control

1: Heavy Storm

1: Mystical Space

1: Future Fusion

1: Overload Fusion

1: Limiter Removal

1: Smashing Ground

1: Lightning Vortex

1: Pot Of Avarice

1: Creature Swap



So yeah something like this i guess.

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