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I use this deck on yu-gi-oh network ("Dream Machinas").


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Monsters - 20


Machina Fortress x3

Machina Gearframe x3

Machina Peacekeeper x2

Machina Force x2

Cyber Dragon x2

Green Gadget x2

Red Gagdet x2

Yellow Gadget x2

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Card Trooper x1


Spells - 10


Smashing Ground x3

Fissure x2

Limiter Removal x1

Heavy Storm x1

Foolish Burial x1

Lightning Vortex x1

My Body As a Shield x1


Traps - 10


Dimensional Prison x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Starlight Road x2

Royal Oppresion x2


This is a bit of a "Dream" build you could say that i want to run IRL.

Some cards i want to put in like BOM, but I can't find any room.

This deck has tested very well ^_^. Flame/Troll/Hate. The usual stuff.

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Lol, limiter removal won you the duel when you dueled me a while back... Great deck! If you want to run BoM then neg either Fissure or Smashing. Also, you may want Lightning Vortex... You have all these destruction staples and no Vortex...

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Thing is worm, i need my +0 Destruction and Dimension Prison is a huge part of the build, getting past stardust with Starlight Road spamming around is amazing. Starlight Road Daily News is to protect my backfield, so it's gotta stay at 2.


I don't want to go over 40 cards however, as this is fine at 40.

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Ultimate Offering is pretty unnecessary. I would rather keep something else, like Oppresion. The idea seems better in Gadget Monarchs really and i don't want to waste all my gadgets in 1 go, as the deck loses quite a bit of consistency when i ran out of Gadgets (This has only happened once, but the deck seemed to go alot slower). Thanks for the advise though.


EDIT: That took me 5 mins to post, seriously. Also i forgot your opponent could use it aswell, then again you would only really need to use it to push for game, a card like oppresion does that better IMO.

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UO cannot be used by your opponent' date=' but it's still not worth using.

No Scrappy? 3

Also, needs Dustshoot, Solemn & Mirror, unless you want to avoid Mirror 'cus of Starlight.

[/quote']this, The original UO from SDY made it seem like either player could use it, but after they errata'd it, it took out the uncertainty of that part and added the "can only be activated during your Main Phase or opponent's Battle Phase" part

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UO cannot be used by your opponent' date=' but it's still not worth using.

No Scrappy? 3

Also, needs Dustshoot, Solemn & Mirror, unless you want to avoid Mirror 'cus of Starlight.



Foolish is quicker then Scrap Recycler and doesn't waste a normal summon. The other scrap went for Card Trooper, he's done so much better IMO. Scrap isn't really even needed, as i draw + search + dump fortress so quickly, theres no need.


Dustshoot and Solemn i would like in, but i didn't have any room. Starlight is spamming everywhere, seriously, but yes, that is the reason why.


UO cannot be used by your opponent' date=' but it's still not worth using.

No Scrappy? 3

Also, needs Dustshoot, Solemn & Mirror, unless you want to avoid Mirror 'cus of Starlight.

[/quote']this, The original UO from SDY made it seem like either player could use it, but after they errata'd it, it took out the uncertainty of that part and added the "can only be activated during your Main Phase or opponent's Battle Phase" part


Like the first version of Waboku?

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Mirror Force isn't really that good these days with the spamming of Starlight Road and Stardust Dragon being staple in every Extra deck, it's too risky. MST is not needed, i might aswell run Trunade instead as it would work better, but even Trunade i don't need.

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