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Budget Deckbuilding Contest

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I want an IRL that is at least local-worthy and cheap. I have a current budget of $45 (thats United States Dollars for those who are foreign).


I also have the cards listed under the spoilers in the following thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-167517.html



1. The deck must be 40 cards.

2. The deck must follow the March 2010 Advanced Format Ban List.

3. TCG only cards.

4. Post the price next to the cards and state your source.

5. You cannot use Ebay or any auction sites. I don't want to be scammed when buying cards.



Winner: 3 Reps

Second: 1 Rep


The contest will end when I have 8 decks posted.




1. Aximil

2. Kyosuke Kiryu (reserved)

3. Welche

4. SpinnyChairOfDoom

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I know this won't win, but it's cheap and effective. This costs $30. All you have to do is buy 3 Machina Mayhem decks.


~Monsters~ 23

3x Machina Fortress

1x Machina Force (For Machina Fortress)

2x Cyber Dragon

1x Big Saturn

3x Machina Gearframe

2x Green Gadget

2x Red Gadget

2x Yellow Gadget

2x Scrap Recycler

3x Cyber Valley

2x Machina Soldier (For Machina Fortress)


~Spells~ 11

3x Solidarity

2x Machina Armored Unit

3x Shrink

2x Hand Destruction

1x Swords of Revealing Light


~Traps~ 6

3x Dimensional Prison

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device


I'm sure you can tweak this by adding in a Limiter Removal or some other cards, but I'm strictly sticking to just 3 copies of a Machina Mayhem deck.

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You won't get scammed on eBay if you have half a brain cell' date=' and in the unlikely event that you DO get scammed, Paypal support the buyer over the seller so you can get your money back anyway.



True, but I don't want to take the chance, even if its unlikely. No one likes loosing money.


And Kyosuke Kiryu is reserved.

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Guest Welche

Monsters [20]


1x Yamata Dragon

1x Flame Ogre

1x Lava Golem

1x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

2x Volcanic Queen


3x Solar Flare Dragon

3x Raging Flame Sprite

3x UFO Turtle

3x Nitro Synchro

1x Flame Ruler

1x Magna Dragon


Spells [13]


3x Fissure

3x Molten Destruction

2x Pot of Avarice

1x Level Limit - Area B

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Book of Moon

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy Storm


Traps [7]


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Spiritual Fire Art – Kurenai

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Gravity Bind

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force


Extra Deck [4]


3x Nitro Warrior

1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth


Bad deck, but it costs you nothing. Build it while you wait for a winner.

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BECAUSE COMMONS (and a rare Marshmallon. Liek shiz)



3 Wall of Illusion

3 Legendary Jujitsu Master

2 Mask of Darkness

1 Marshmallon

1 Spirit Reaper



3 Final Countdown

2 Messenger of Peace

3 Steelcage

3 Book of Eclipse

3 Upstart

2 Vortex

1 Swords



3 Roar

3 Waboku

3 Curse of Anubis

3 Thunder of Ruler

1 Tor



3 Twister


1 Storm

2 Oppression

3 Krebons

3 AF0 - Fool

2 Bottomless

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Monsters - 20


Machina Fortress x3 SD

Machina Gearframe x3 SD

Machina Force x2 SD

Machina Peacekeeper x1 SD

Cyber Dragon x2 SD

Green Gadget x2 SD

Red Gagdet x2 SD

Yellow Gadget x2 SD

Sangan x1 Already have

Scrap Recyler x1 SD

Card Trooper x1 $0.49


Spells - 13


Smashing Ground x3 $2.49 each. Already have 1

Fissure x3 Already have

Book of Moon x2 $3.39 Already have 1

Lightning Vortex x1 Already have

Limiter Removal x1 Already have

Heavy Storm x1 Already have

Foolish Burial x1 Already have

My Body As a Shield x1 $3.59


Traps - 7


Dimensional Prison x3 SD

Bottomless Trap Hole x2 Already have

Torrential Tribute x1 Already Have

Mirror Force x1 Already Have


Total Cost With Structure Deck = $42.45

Prices from Troll and Toad.

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