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This deck mains Mecha Bunny.


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My previously pretty random earth deck now has a pretty solid theme. :D


Monsters ( 22 )

x3 Mecha Bunny

x3 Jutte Fighter

x3 Nimble Momonga

x3 Giant Rat

x3 Gigantes

x3 D.D. Assailant

x1 Sangan

x1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

x1 Exiled Force

x1 Injection Fairy Lily


Spells ( 10 )

x3 Creature Swap

x1 Reinforcement of the Army

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x3 Book of Moon


Traps ( 8 )

x3 Reckless Greed

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole

x1 Torrential Tribute

x1 Return from the Different Dimension

x1 Trap Dustshoot


Extra Deck:


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-3 Inferno Reckless

-3 DD Warrior

-1 CotH


+1 Dustshoot

+3 Assailant

+1 Exiled Force

+1 Injection Fairy Lily

+1 Book of Moon


Should probably have another 1-2 Book.


Without inferno reckless, there doesn't seem to be much of a place for marauding. What should I replace him with?


Or should I still keep him in because of the warrior toolbox or jutte + marauding?

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