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the new fad thats sweeping the nation! countdown decks!


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3 battle fader

3 zero gardna

3 winged kuriboh

1 morph

1 reaper



3 final countdown

1 card dest

2 sarco

3 upstart

1 rota



3 waboku

3 roar

3 thunder

1 mirror force

3 frozen soul

3 curse of anubis

1 torrential

2 bth



deck 40


first attempt. but i think i might try something a bit more trolly.

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Sorry, the cards actual name is "Pyro Clock of Destiny" it moves the clock once more forward.


Anyways, maybe adding a Wave Motion Cannon? It'll be your second wave of success if they might kill you in the remaining turns left until you win.


11 Monsters seems really bad when people have a shortage with 16.

Maybe have some more, or add real kick-ass Spells and Traps. Shrink comes to mind somehow.


Necro Gardna seems a must for defending yourself here.

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damnit oleon.


youre just.. so.. not good.


pyro clock of destiny just does what waboku or roar does. except badly. this meta focuses only on dealing battle damage, with almost no burn present. so if you do manage to block all attacks, it's essentially the same as skipping their turn. they can still summon and blow sheet up, but they cant hurt you.


wave motion cannon is pointless. i /could/ add 3 cards for an alternate win condition. but in the end that's 3 cards that could have been spent on my current win condition. and since the two work almost identically (except wave motion is bad because you have to wait x turns /and/ keep it alive), theres no point in running them both.


shrink wouldnt help me. at all. that's like a bad, one-monster waboku. why not just run waboku? my monsters dont need to stay alive. in fact most of them prefer to be destroyed.


and gardna is at one. and blocks one attack. winged kuriboh is at 3, and blocks a turn of attacks. the diffenece being that kuri costs my normal summon, but i'm not really spending it on anything else here.



now moving on to real comments.

explain to me why cyber valley is preferred to winged kuriboh? cyber valley is woefully vulnerable to destruction effects, rendering a large gap in my perfect defense. and for only a +1.

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Cyber Valley can also be used against you via M-con/B-con.


-3 Curse of Anubis

+3 Rainbow Life


essentially a waboku, but nets you some LP (chained to the attack declaration) for a "just incase"... though -3 Frozen Soul may be the better choice since it wouldn't meet the requirements as much. Also, find room for BoE since it is also another Waboku.

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i considered warrior returning. find me room.


frozen soul will work as long as i let an attack or two through. plus upstart helps. its worth taking 2k damage to be able to waboku 3 more times.


rainbow life costs more cards. plus if its struck early, by an mst, they wont attack. meaning i will have -2'd myself to do waboku's job. since a skilled duelist wouldnt attack with his strongest first for fear of gorz or trags, i can safely assume i wont gain very many lifepoints with it, save by poor duelists.


furthermore then i would really have to drop frozen souls.


and explain how cyber outwits bcon-mcon?

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I wasn't saying it "outwits" M-con and B-con, I was supporting your statement that they aren't good since if your opponent takes it they can just use it for a +1 and leave you open to attack.


I understand Rainbow Life, but you should still find room for BoE. Maybe take out the Bottomless? Any problem cards that it can solve are also solved by BoE, and BoE can be used even if they don't summon a monster.

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oh, sorry, misread that.


eclipse has some problems to it. its all timing. if they attack into your sts it's fine, but if they try destroying them first, which they will, it doesnt work out so well.

at least with curse of anubis they dont get to draw at the end phase.

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