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Check out my latest set, it's epic!!

Dream Cabbage

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Hope you like my set.




If you have a face-up Continuous Trap Card on your side of the field, this card gains 4000 DEF. If you have a face-up Continuous Spell Card on your side of the field, this card gains 3000 ATK. Once per turn you can remove from play 5 cards in your Graveyard to destroy all Spell and Traps on the field.




Each time a monster is Summoned, select one unocupied Spell or Trap Card zone. The selected zone cannot be used as long as this card remains face-uo on the field.




If you control a face-up "Overlord Dragon of the Forbiddon Kingdom" on your side of the field, this card can attack your opponent directly. If this card is removed from the field, you can Special Summon one "Overlord Servant" from your deck or hand.




Each monster with "Overlord" in it's name gains 500 ATK and decreases it's DEF by 500. Once per turn you can discard one DARK monster to inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's life points. If another Field Spell is activated, it is immediatley sent to the Graveyard.


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only pic 1 is overused, so you did fine for pics


change discar to discard (last card)


life points should be Life Points


for overlord servant, "this card can attack your opponents life points directly." can be changed to "this card can attack your opponent directly"


Chaos Bridge's effect is too similar to Ojama King's effect, give it another effect



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