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Any recommendations?

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I have a 50 card deck with almost no structural balance. In short I need a LOT of help, my deck consists of mostly dark monsters but i have many other cards and would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me.


Here is my deck right now:



Double Coston

Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua

Fire Trooper

Fortress Warrior

Gilford the Lightning

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

Hardened Armed Dragon


Hyper Synchron

Junk Synchron

Lava Golem

Morphing Jar

Mystic Tomato

Poison Mummy

Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World


Shadowpriestess of Ohm

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World

Speed Warrior

Stardust Xiaolong

Total Defense Shogun


Turret Warrior

Twin-Sword Marauder

X-Saber Airbellum




Brain Control

Card Trader

Double Summon

Future Visions

Magical Mallet

Mausoleum of the Emperor

Mist Body

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nightmare's Steelcage

Nobleman of Crossout

Nobleman of Extermination

Swords of Revealing Light



A Hero Emerges

Barrel Behind the Door

Bottomless Trap Hole

Magical Hats

Mirror Force

Negate Attack

Ojama Trio

Sakuretsu Armor

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

Starlight Road

Threatening Roar

Widespread Ruin



Ancient Fairy Dragon

Armory Arm

Black rose Dragon

Colossal Fighter

Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

Goyo Guardian

Junk Warrior

Power Tool Dragon

Red Dragon Archfiend

Stardust Dragon

Thought Ruler Archfiend

X-Saber Urbellum


Please help.

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Take a look at this.


it's cheap and effective. This costs $30. All you have to do is buy 3 Machina Mayhem decks.


~Monsters~ 23

3x Machina Fortress

1x Machina Force (For Machina Fortress)

2x Cyber Dragon

1x Big Saturn

3x Machina Gearframe

2x Green Gadget

2x Red Gadget

2x Yellow Gadget

2x Scrap Recycler

3x Cyber Valley

2x Machina Soldier (For Machina Fortress)


~Spells~ 11

3x Solidarity

2x Machina Armored Unit

3x Shrink

2x Hand Destruction

1x Swords of Revealing Light


~Traps~ 6

3x Dimensional Prison

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device


I'm sure you can tweak this by adding in a Limiter Removal or some other cards' date=' but I'm strictly sticking to just 3 copies of a Machina Mayhem deck.



It's much better than what you have right now.

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any deck is better than what i have right now, but that's mainly because i'm not that good at building decks as it stands. i've run some simulations with this deck in the 2010 5d's ds game and won a good number of times but i felt that i should completely deconstruct it and start from scratch. as for themes, i don't really know of too many. at least not any specific ones. if i get ahold of even 1 machina meyhem deck i'll see what can be done but like i said, i'm not that fond of decks made from structure decks.

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my friend wanted me to post his deck too since for some reason the account activation email won't get to his account. he has a 50 card deck as well.


monsters 25



marauding captain x 3

dark resonator


command knight x 2

mystic swordsman LV 4 x 2

d.d. assailant

destiny hero defender x 2

d.d. warrior

flamvell magician

d.d. warrior lady

queens knight

kings knight

jacks knight

turret warrior

divine knight ishzark

mystic swordsman lv 6

total defense shogun

destiny hero dogma

destiny hero plasma


traps 9


bottomless trap hole

sakuretsu armor

magic cylinder

draining shield

torrential tribute

magic jammer

dust tornado

call of the haunted

scrap-iron scarecrow


spells 16


the a. forces x 2

mage power

united we stand

mystical space typhoon

double summon


lightning vortex

reinforcement of the army

swords of revealing light

future fusion

monster reincarnation

soul exchange

heavy storm

bait doll

the warrior returning alive


extras 13


iron chain dragon

gaia knight, the force of earth

goyo guardian

ancient fairy dragon

x-saber urbellum

black rose dragon

stardust dragon

thought ruler archfiend

colossall fighter x 2

xx saber gottoms

arcana knight joker

destiny end dragoon


criticism and any suggestions welcome.

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ok, i restructured my deck completely and have actually been winning duels. it is now 40 cards, here it is:


Monsters 20




Stardust Xiaolong

Cyber Valley

Castle Gate

Mystic Tomato

Kinetic Soldier

Shadowpriestess of Ohm

Blast Sphere

Lava Golem

X-Saber Airbellum

Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu

Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World

Poison Mummy

Dark Nephthys

Fortress Warrior

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World

Twin-Sword Marauder

Fire Trooper



Spells 10


Poison of the Old Man

Double Summon

Swords of Revealing Light

Future Visions

Mystical Space Typhoon

Magical Mallet

Heavy Storm

Card Trader

Bait Doll

Mausoleum of the Emperor


Traps 10


Negate Attack

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

Starlight Road


Time Machine

Sakuretsu Armor

Dimensional Prison

Ojama Trio

A Hero Emerges

Mirror Force


Extras 12


Armory Arm

Goyo Guardian

Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth

Black Rose Dragon

Power Tool Dragon

X-Saber Urbellum

Ancient Fairy Dragon

Red Dragon Archfiend

Colossal Fighter

Though Ruler Archfiend

Stardust Dragon


any recommendations or criticism is welcome.

^this deck beat machina gadgets...

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