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so liek bidan sayd da eff wurd obama admenistruton go byebye now?


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If you haven't already heard, Biden cursed on national TV in the midst of this entire healthcare thing.


I attempt to quote: "This is a big fucking deal."



The man did not know his voice was being broadcasted through speaker (he is an idiot for that), but come on. Even the best of us curse. Find me a single person over the age 18 that hasn't cursed once in their life. Have fun with that task.


It's not that big of a deal, honestly. IIRC, Bush, Reagan and one other Republican president also cursed on national TV, but Republicans didn't make an ounce of a big deal then. So why now?


But honestly, this Obama guy is going to get impeached. Let's review:


1.) He called Kanye West a jackass. (


2.) He killed a fly on live TV.

3.) His vice president said the 'f' word.


This guy is over. Let's just impeach him now and get it over with.


At least Biden isn't an idiot like Palin and makes a semi-decent vice president.

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Kanye West acted like a child on national television. Of course, it's over and he's forgiven, at least in my eyes. However, that does not change the fact that, ATM, Obama's statement was justified, IMO.


Everyone's killed a fly. It's one of those rules of life that doesn't follow the rule "Every rule has an exception." If someone has not killed a fly, they will. It is no big deal.


Biden's cursing could be a threat. However, I highly doubt. It depends on if it was intentional, or if he was trying to talk to someone but his voice was still projected.


But, to prove a point: Impeach isn't just to put an official on trial and expel him from his position. It also has to have valid grounds, which involves a crime, if I'm not mistaken. Since when does killing insects, insulting someones behavior (Which at the time was valid, IMO*.), and being the running mate of someone who cursed on television, count as a criminal offense?


* = Obama insulting Kanye was during the time of "OMG did u c wut kanyay sed 2 tayler swiffft @ teh moosic awardz?", right?

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Congress is retarded too. They passed the damn bill. :/


I have mixed opinions on the bill' date=' so I won't properly respond.


@ Infinitus: Yes, during the awards thing.


And I was being sarcastic when I said impeach. T_T



My sarcast-o-meter is broken. It needs more batteries. T_T


Anyway, I must say, that this new President is quite interesting, or is at least a cause for interesting things. Whether people like them, or hate them.

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Congress is retarded too. They passed the damn bill. :/


I have mixed opinions on the bill' date=' so I won't properly respond.


@ Infinitus: Yes, during the awards thing.


And I was being sarcastic when I said impeach. T_T



My sarcast-o-meter is broken. It needs more batteries. T_T


Anyway, I must say, that this new President is quite interesting, or is at least a cause for interesting things. Whether people like them, or hate them.


ITT: Millions of people losing their jobs is interesting.

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If you haven't already heard' date=' Biden cursed on national TV in the midst of this entire healthcare thing.


I attempt to quote: "This is a big f[b'][/b]ucking deal."



The man did not know his voice was being broadcasted through speaker (he is an idiot for that), but come on. Even the best of us curse. Find me a single person over the age 18 that hasn't cursed once in their life. Have fun with that task.


It's not that big of a deal, honestly. IIRC, Bush, Reagan and one other Republican president also cursed on national TV, but Republicans didn't make an ounce of a big deal then. So why now?


But honestly, this Obama guy is going to get impeached. Let's review:


1.) He called Kanye West a jackass. (


2.) He killed a fly on live TV.

3.) His vice president said the 'f' word.


This guy is over. Let's just impeach him now and get it over with.


At least Biden isn't an idiot like Palin and makes a semi-decent vice president.


This pleases me, I like the new government, they're real, instead of the shiny plastic sh*t they present to us. Now we see the true, hideous faces of our leaders. I am pleased.

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If you haven't already heard' date=' Biden cursed on national TV in the midst of this entire healthcare thing.


I attempt to quote: "This is a big f[b'][/b]ucking deal."



The man did not know his voice was being broadcasted through speaker (he is an idiot for that), but come on. Even the best of us curse. Find me a single person over the age 18 that hasn't cursed once in their life. Have fun with that task.


It's not that big of a deal, honestly. IIRC, Bush, Reagan and one other Republican president also cursed on national TV, but Republicans didn't make an ounce of a big deal then. So why now?


But honestly, this Obama guy is going to get impeached. Let's review:


1.) He called Kanye West a jackass. (


2.) He killed a fly on live TV.

3.) His vice president said the 'f' word.


This guy is over. Let's just impeach him now and get it over with.


At least Biden isn't an idiot like Palin and makes a semi-decent vice president.


This pleases me, I like the new government, they're real, instead of the shiny plastic sh*t they present to us. Now we see the true, hideous faces of our leaders. I am pleased.


I agree.


At least their being honest and showing us their true self.

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The healthcare bill is an absolute disaster. It causes socialism and death panels that will destroy America.


I agree. We need to get rid of this damn thing' date=' and quick. That's why we need to impeach Obama.[/b']


Also, the real scandal with Biden is that he missed his chance to earn major awesome points by saying "frak" instead.


Why would saying FRAK earn him major awesome points?

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The healthcare bill is an absolute disaster. It causes socialism and death panels that will destroy America.


I agree. We need to get rid of this damn thing' date=' and quick. That's why we need to impeach Obama.[/b']


Also, the real scandal with Biden is that he missed his chance to earn major awesome points by saying "frak" instead.


Why would saying FRAK earn him major awesome points?


Why would it not?

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Also' date=' the real scandal with Biden is that he missed his chance to earn major awesome points by saying "frak" instead.



Why would saying FRAK earn him major awesome points?


Because he would then be admitting to be a Cylon infiltrator plotting to destroy the United States of Kobol.

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Congress is retarded too. They passed the damn bill. :/


I have mixed opinions on the bill' date=' so I won't properly respond.


@ Infinitus: Yes, during the awards thing.


And I was being sarcastic when I said impeach. T_T



My sarcast-o-meter is broken. It needs more batteries. T_T


Anyway, I must say, that this new President is quite interesting, or is at least a cause for interesting things. Whether people like them, or hate them.


ITT: Millions of people losing their jobs is interesting.


Long term effects like those are more disconcerting than interesting.


TBQH, I do enjoy these tiny things that go on like Bidan cursing and Obama killing a fly. Ooh, it makes me wonder. It makes me wonder if the government is a little more interesting than I originally thought. I'd really prefer to be a Senator. I like the Senate.

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Why does the new make big deals out of stuff like this' date=' and killing flies?

Republican News Channels always seem to go overboard with this s***.



I actually watch FOX News to laugh at their stupidity. And it's not because I disagree with their views. It's because they have the most bullshittiest logic I've ever seen.

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Why does the new make big deals out of stuff like this' date=' and killing flies?

Republican News Channels always seem to go overboard with this s***.



I actually watch FOX News to laugh at their stupidity. And it's not because I disagree with their views. It's because they have the most bullshittiest logic I've ever seen.


Glen Beck. (sp, idc to spell it right)


Nuff said?

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A little Beck stupidity for your amusement.


Really, though, it isn't funny at all. It's disgusting. The Republican strategy seems to be to spread as much lies and disinformation as possible for the purposes of getting the people angry rather than actually making rational arguments. They're not being stupid; they're lying, and they know they're lying, and they do it because it works and because people believe their lies. That's why their primary criticisms of the healthcare bill were "It's communist!" and "Death panels!" and "Market forces solve everything!" - all they need to do is throw some nonsense out there to confuse the issue enough that people don't know what to believe.

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A little Beck stupidity for your amusement.


Really' date=' though, it isn't funny at all. It's disgusting. The Republican strategy seems to be to spread as much lies and disinformation as possible for the purposes of getting the people angry rather than actually making rational arguments. They're not being stupid; they're lying, and they know they're lying, and they do it because it works and because people believe their lies. That's why their primary criticisms of the healthcare bill were "It's communist!" and "Death panels!" and "Market forces solve everything!" - all they need to do is throw some nonsense out there to confuse the issue enough that people don't know what to believe.



Actually this is what libtards do.



You've got the method down so accurately here, because it's what you use, even down to the being well aware of lying part. Sick fucks.

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Excellent response. 11/10.


Indeed. I'm trying to work some sort of pyrotechnics into it as well.


You won't be able to finish your pyrotechnics in time, I'm afraid. As you have said, everything the Republicans have said is true and their opponents are just spreading lies (and I'm obviously in on it because I'm actually a Dem-Senator), so long before you finish your pyrotechnics, we'll have our death panels up and running, and Comrade Crabhelmet will be using them to eliminate you.

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Excellent response. 11/10.


Indeed. I'm trying to work some sort of pyrotechnics into it as well.


You won't be able to finish your pyrotechnics in time' date=' I'm afraid. As you have said, everything the Republicans have said is true and their opponents are just spreading lies (and I'm obviously in on it because I'm actually a Dem-Senator), so long before you finish your pyrotechnics, we'll have our death panels up and running, and Comrade Crabhelmet will be using them to eliminate you.



See? This is why we need more military spending. Crazy socialists and their nazism. WE NEEDS TEH GUNS TO DEFEND OURSELVES FROM THE MINIONS OF EVIL!!!!11!!!

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