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Lego Atlantis (German Cards)


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Here are the Cards. I donot can very good english, but i have translate them (so well it went...8))


LEAT = Lego Atlantis




in english:

Turtle Gardna

This card cannot be special summoned. If this card be normal summoned, can you add 1 WATER monster from your deck to your hand or you can special summon 1 level 3 or lower WATER monster from your deck.


Cuttlefish Gardna

This card cannot be special summoned. If this card be normal summoned, can you choose 1 WATER monster from your graveyard and it special summon. Its level becomes to 4 and if its ATK more as 1500, its ATK becomes to 1500. In addition it becomes to a tuner.




in english:

Gigantic Shark

This card cannot be special summoned. If this card be normal summoned, can you 1 WATER tuner in your graveyard from the play remove. The level of this card becomes to the level of the from the play removed card.


Monster Crab

This card cannot be special summoned. If this card be normal summoned, can you 1 level 1 WATER monster from your deck special summon.




in english:

Cuttlefish man

If tribut summon "Cuttlefish Gardna", you can treat this monster as 2 tributes.


Devil's rays

If tribut summon "Turtle Gardna", you can treat this monster as 2 tributes.




in english:


Shark man

During your Main phase, if you have no monster normal summon, offer this card as tribut and special summon 1 "Gigantic Shark" from your deck (this special summon becomes as normal summon treat).


Please, mistake forgives me! :(:(

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