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My First Card (Rate405 helped me)


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"If this card is Special Summoned by the effects of a Dragon-Type monster, the ATK and DEF of this card become the same amount as the monster used to Special Summon this card. You can Tribute this face-up card to increase the ATK and DEF of every monster on the field by 300."


Not sure if that's what you want. =)

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very good pic and stat determining effects


the last effect confuses me though, since it's for gaining ATK. So what happens when you have no other monsters on the field?


You must have meant LP or something. If that was the case, I consider this very balanced out, even though the LP boost isn't too critical



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Yes, look at this card that you 25% made, get some of it's words stuck in your head, like when you are making cards...



(When you are takling about a Type, like Pyro) Pyro-Type monster

(When you are talking about attribute, like DARK) DARK monster

Shuffle your deck afterwards. (Idk if it is Deck or deck tho)

The Grave Dance (Not The grave dancer, all CAPS for when you are taklinf about a card, but if you are talking about a card that is NOT the one you have an Effect for, like say the Effect for a card named The Demons has something with another card called The Hare, it goes like this, "The Hare")


Those are some basics

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