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Forget Signer Dragons!

Neil Moffatt

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Try the Essence Dragons!


Lore: 1 Dragon-Type monster + 1 LIGHT monster

This card can only be destroyed by a DARK monster. During your Standby Phase, if you have no Spells or Traps on your field, inflict 800 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points and you gain 400 Life Points.



Lore: 1 Dragon-type monster + 1 DARK monster

This card's ATK and DEF is equal to the total Levels of the monsters used to Summon this card x200. During your Draw Phase, if you draw a Trap card, you can discard it to remove up to 2 cards on the field from play. If you do this, skip your Battle Phase.



Lore: 1 FIRE Dragon-Type monster + 1 Machine-Type monster

During your Main Phase, if this is the only FIRE monster you control, this card can attack once for every card in your hand. If you use this effect, this card loses 500 ATK until your End Phase and cannot attack your opponent directly.



Lore: 1 EARTH Dragon-Type monster + 1 Rock-Type monster

During your Main Phase, if you control a face-up EARTH monster, you can tribute it to switch the ATK and DEF of this card until your opponent's End Phase. If you use this effect, this card cannot use this effect again for 2 turns.



Lore: 1 WATER Dragon-Type monster + 1 Sea Serpent-Type monster

Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can discard 1 card to destroy all monsters on the field except this card and the card in the same Monster Zone on your opponent's side of the field. This card cannot attack this turn.



Lore: 1 WIND Dragon-Type monster + 1 Thunder-Type monster

This card is also treated as a Thunder-Type monster. If this is the only Thunder-Type monster you control, remove 1 monster in your Graveyard from play and add half its ATK to this card. This card inflicts Piercing Damage if you activate this effect. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack directly and cannot attack next turn.


Image credit to Jazin Kay, all of them are here!

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