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Halo Cards


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My Second Card......



"As long as this card is on the field, you can tribute 1 Rock or Machine type monster to gain 500 Life Points. If you use this effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn. If this monster is destroyed by battle, summon 2 Lekgolo Tokens (Beast-Type/Earth/ATK 200/DEF 1000). If 1 or both of these tokens exist on your side of the field during your 3rd standby phase after their summon, you can Special Summon this card from your graveyard."


So, what do you think?

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Good effect, except the end: Just, some OCG errors.

"If 1 or both of these tokens exist on your side of the field during your 3rd standby phase after their summon, you can Special Summon this card from your graveyard."


Personally, I think its pretty balanced. It would be better balanced if you put something like "If you use this effect, this card cannot declare an attack this turn" after the tributing rocks to gain lp.

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