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my exodia deck

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Nm: all exodia normal cards. e-hero neos. and dark magican.

Em: exodia. 3x d-hero def. 2x card troper . rainbow dragon.

catapult turtel. morbius the frost monarc. morphing jar.

emperor sam. jinszo. des feral imp. sangan. sorcer of dark magic. cyber dragon. cyber valley. necroface. kuriboh. horses the black flame dragon lv 6 and lv 8.

and fusion m dark paladin and rainbow neos.

traps: limit pulse. covering fire.

3x disturnbance strategy

3x apporiate.

dna surgery

metal morph

cease fire

transmigration break

compulsory exacution device

spells: 2x dark factory of mass production

2x hand destruction


level limit area b

untied we stand

card destruction

advance force

pot of avarice

pot of benevolence

silent doom

foolish burial

monster reincarnaliton

magil stone exvacation

syncro boost


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Why the hell are you playing rainbow dragon, in an exodia build and yet you can't summon him?

Wheres all the draw power? No Battle Faders? Card Trooper is limited to 1 last time i checked?

Also lay out your cards like this:




[X] Card




[X] Card




[X] Card


Ect. This deck is horrible and needs alot more work. Im sure someone will be good enough to give you a build.

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