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[~Dreammaker~] My First Contest. Hopefully 1 of Many :)


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Ok, this is my first contest, so be a little lenient with me. I'll fix anything you see wrong, so just point it out and I'll do my best.


Now, onto the Contest!



Create a Normal Monster, and 3-5 support cards for it. Other than that, anything goes.




1) The main card MUST be a Normal, non-effect monster.

2) The supports can be anything at all: Spells, Synchros, Effects, even other Normals. As long as the additional cards somehow support the main Normal.

3) No less than 3 supports, and no more than 5, although one or two over won't hurt you, IF they're necessary (i.e., a Fusion, a Combo, etc). Exceptions will be judged on a cae-by-case basis. So, this means the set will have to have at least 4 cards in it, and 6 - 7 at most.




1) Standard YCM Rules

2) No Spamming

3) No Flamming

4) No Cheating

5) No Other immoral stuff



[spoiler=Entry Fee]

None! This is my first contest, so its kinda a kick-off special, but I also don't know how to properly handle it :P




First Prize: 3 Reps

Second Prize: 2 Reps

Third Prize: 1 Reps

All Runner-Ups: Nothing




1) Blackhawk29










1) Kato_Zenamara [Me]





[spoiler=Start Date]

April 5th; That gives you 1 week, plenty of time



[spoiler=Grading Criteria]

[Points Earned]/[Points Possible]

Originality = [?]/[10]

OCG = [?]/[10]

Balance = [?]/[10]




Ok, we start one week from today, or when the contestant list fills up. Whichever comes first.

I also need 2 co-judges to judge with me. Judges CANNOT be contestants.


Anything I miss?

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