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Machine Support Cards!


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[spoiler=Old Cards]




Select 1 face-up Machine-Type monster on your side of the field. If the selected monster attacks your opponent's monster, negate the effects of all Spell, Trap, and Monster Cards on the field.




Activate only while you control a face-up "Slot Machine". Toss a coin 3 times. Increase the ATK of "Slot Machine" by 700 points equal to the number of Heads. Increase the DEF of "Slot Machine" by 700 points equal to the number of Tails. If 3 out of 3 results are Heads, the ATK and DEF of "Slot Machine" becomes 7777 until the end of the turn.





[spoiler=Cards I Just Made]




Select 1 monster on your side of the field. You can equip Thunder-Type monsters from your hand as Equip Cards to the selected monster. Increase the selected monster's ATK by an amount equal to the total ATK of the monsters equipped to the selected monster. During the End Phase, the monsters equipped to the selected monster are returned to your hand.




When this card is Summoned, place 4 Repair Counters on this card (max. 12). At the end of each player's turn, place 1 Repair Counter on this card. You can remove a number of Repair Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 Machine-Type monster from your Graveyard with a Level equal to or lower than the number of Repair Counters removed.




Select 1 face-up Machine-Type monster on your side of the field and 1 face-up monster on your opponent's side of the field. Destroy the selected monsters and inflict 1000 points of damage to both players' Life Points.







I wasn't sure how to correctly write the OCG. Power Surge would've been for Machine-Type monsters, but I didn't want to list 2 specific cards in the effect, and the picture looks more like a person than a machine. Mini Mechanic on Summon will be able to bringa LV4 or lower monster back from the grave, 2nd turn will be able to bring a LV6 or lower, 3rd turn a LV8 or lower. In other words, the stronger the machine is, the longer it takes to repair. And Self-Destruct is almost the same as Destruction Ring, I just couldn't think of another balanced effect. Tell me what you think. :D

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" . . . the ATK and DEF of "Slot Machine" becomes 7777 until the end of the turn."

~That's quite high, but if it's for one turn I guess it's okay.

~On "Mini Mechanic" you might want to put a Max for the Counters.


The effects are great, Pictures are fine, OCG is great.



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fixed mini mechanic. :)


for lever pull, it would be hard to pull off a successful 7777 attack. Slot Machine requires 2 tributes, you would need lever pull in your hand(of course), you'd need 3 heads, and your opponent would have to have no defense or traps. if any1 could pull that off, i'd consider them lucky lol.

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for Level Pull, "If 3 out of 3 results are Heads, the ATK and DEF of "Slot Machine" becomes 7777 until the end of the turn." <---this is too much, very easy set up for a OTK


I'm unsure when it comes to Self Destruct though, seems on the OPed end since it could work for ANY of your opponent's monsters.......



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