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Great Gravekeeper Deck, Fix Rate..! (get rep)

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Alrite i made this deck just this morning from some cards i had in a box.! but ..

i think im missing some things and i dont know what or what to take out for them ...

and what tuners should i add for my synchros? (still on search for more)


Monsters 20


Gravekeeper´s Visionary x2

Gravekeeper´s Descendant x2

Gravekeeper´s Chief x3 ¿3?

Gravekeeper´s Assailant x 3

Gravekeeper´s Spy x2 ¿2?

Gravekeeper´s Guard x1 ¿1?

Night Assailant x1 ¿?

Treborn Frog x1 ¿?

Sangan x 1?

Cyber Dragon x1


Spells 10


Necrovalley x 3

Gravekeeper´s Stele x 3 ¿3?

Pot of avarice x1 ¿?

Mystical Space typhoon x1

heavy storm x1

Lighting Vortex x1


Traps 10


Dimensional Prison x2

Treathening Road x2

BottomLess Traphole x2

Dark Bribe x1 ¿?

Phenix Wing Wind Blast x 1 ¿?

Torrential Tribute x1

Call of the Haunted x1


And now some Synchros still looking for more and wondering what tunners that fit in should i add..


Iron chain Dragon

Flamvell Uruquizas

Xsaber Urbellum x2

Colosal Figther x 2

Gaia Knight

XXsaber Gottoms


Alrite i have some cards im thinking on adding them.. but i dunnot for what..or if i should ;


Mystic Tomatoes x2 ¿?

Solidarity ¿?

Aprentice Magician x2 ¿?

Magician Circle ¿?

Magical Dimension ¿?

Crystal Seer ¿?

Mind Control ¿?

Giant Trunade ¿?


The cards with the ¿? means that i have doubts on letting them in .. or doubs on how many should i add.


Thanks Every1 Dont Read it without commenting

Good oppinions gains Rep.

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I made changes:


Monsters 20

Gravekeeper´s Visionary x2

Gravekeeper´s Descendant x2

Gravekeeper´s Chief x1

Gravekeeper´s Assailant x 3

Gravekeeper´s Spy x3

Gravekeeper´s Guard x1

Gravekeeper´s Commandant x3

Sangan x 1

Cyber Dragon x1

Mystic Tomato x2

Blackwing Gale the Whirlwind x1


Spells 10

Necrovalley x 3

Gravekeeper´s Stele x2

heavy storm x1

Lighting Vortex x1

Allure of Darkness x1

Royal Tribute x2


Traps 10

Mirror Force x1

Solemn Judgmentx1

BottomLess Traphole x2

Dark Bribe x2

Rite of Spirit x2

Torrential Tribute x1

Call of the Haunted x1



Extra Deck

Generic (up to you)


Hope I helped

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alrite i made some changes ...this is what i have by now....


Monsters 20


Gravekeeper´s Visionary x2

Gravekeeper´s Commandant x1

Gravekeeper´s Priestess x1 ¿1?

Gravekeeper´s Descendant x3

Gravekeeper´s Chief x2

Gravekeeper´s Assailant x 3

Gravekeeper´s Spy x3

Gravekeeper´s Guard x2

Sangan x 1

Mystic Tomatoe x 2 ¿?


Spells 10


Necrovalley x 3

Gravekeeper´s Stele x 3

Magical Dimension x1 ¿?

Burden of the mighty x1

Mystical Space typhoon x1

Lighting Vortex x1


Traps 10


Dimensional Prison x1

BottomLess Traphole x2

Dark Bribe x2

Rite of the Spirit x 3

Magician Circle x2




And now some Synchros still looking for more and wondering what tunners that fit in should i add..


Iron chain Dragon

Flamvell Uruquizas

Xsaber Urbellum x2

Colosal Figther x 2

Gaia Knight



please any suggestions .. on what tunner to add.. or rate.

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alrite i made some changes... the latest version of the deck.. please rate..


Monsters 20


Gravekeeper´s Visionary x2

Gravekeeper´s Commandant x2

Gravekeeper´s Descendant x3

Gravekeeper´s Chief x2

Gravekeeper´s Assailant x 3

Gravekeeper´s Spy x3

Gravekeeper´s Guard x2

Gravekeeper´s Spear Soldier x2

Gravekeeper´s Priestess x1


Spells 9


Necrovalley x 3

Gravekeeper´s Stele x 2

Mystical Space typhoon x1

Book of moon x 2

Heavy Storm x1

Solidarity x 2


Traps 11


Dimensional Prison x2

BottomLess Traphole x2

Dark Bribe x2

Rite of the Spirit x 3

Magician Circle x2

Torrential Tribute x1


Please fix or rate.. tyvm


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