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Paintball fields


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I need help.

i don't know of any good paintball fields in FL.

I Don't Want to give away any of my info so all i can tell you is that my zip code 33901...

Any ways i want to know if any1 knows of a good paintball field near me that is open during week days so me and my friends can go play over spring break.

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Dude' date=' do what me and my friends do for airsoft.


Go deep into a forest, and battle there.



the problem is that we have 3 guns and 4 people.


Make a riot shield, go to a secluded japanese town located in a dense forest, and go on a rampage.


It works.


Sooner or later at night, their just send some mystical nightmarish group of monsters to kill you.


Or maybe you should just stick with the riot shield.

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