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Cardopolis *makes tins, boosters and cards*


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Tins = 5 points

Boosters = 3 points

Single Card = 1 points



1. 5 cards = 3 points

2. 15 cards = 8 points

3. 2 tins + 1 boosters = 10 points

4. 2 tins + 2 boosters = 12 points

5. 1 tin + 1 booster + 1 card = 5 points *OFFER ENDS JUNE 1ST*


If you spend over 50 points you get a free:

1. 1 tin

2. 2 boosters

3. 5 cards


Cards will have your name on. but the code would be CDOS + numbers and letters to repesent we made it.


Please send us the following infomation:

- The picture (for the cards, tins and boosters)

- The information you want on the card (effect/type/fusion.........)

- The colour of the tin


DO NOT send us the money straight away, we will tell you when your purchase has been made THEN you send us the money


Send the money either to ukdude94 or Moto M8


If overdue we give:

1 week = 1 card

2 weeks = 2 boosters

3 weeks = 1 tin

1 month = 2 tins

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