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YAHA WERE GONNA WIN! An ES21 RP! (Not Started, Advanced, Always accepting, someone please post) OOC

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This is an Eyeshield 21 rp.


1. Fair play and respect abound!

2. If someone tries to tackle you or block the ball you can't say "i'm too strong you can't stop me" or anything like that.

3. In a conflict where someone is about to be tackled or intercept the ball, etc., One of the players involved in the conflict will call heads or tails. I'll flip a coin in the safety of my home and if they call it right they will block, intercept, tackle etc.



Here is the plot

[spoiler=plot] Before the Christmas Bowl, we have the (only organized because Hiruma "persuaded" a few people.) The YA-HA BOWL! (Ya-ha!) The games is between 16 teams!



What is your team name?

Is it an original team or a team from ES21?

If original, post in a spoiler the team's members, names, ages, height, weight, position, bench press, 40 yard dash speed and special abilities.



InuYasha boy707- Octavia Notes,





[spoiler=My team, Octavia Notes]


Halfback (Running Back)

Name- Shozu Shina


2nd Year


Weight-130 lbs

40 yard dash- 4.5 secs

Bench Press-110 Pounds


Ritardando- Shozu runs slowly to do 1 of 3 things, make his opponents underestimate him, or so he can carefully calculate a route to run, like Sena does in his head and then he speeds up and/or evades tackles once he figures his route, or, while running fast, he slows down, throwing off the timing of a tackle against him. However, this proves mostly ineffective against tackles from behind (unless it is a diving tackle) because slowing down gives your tackler a chance to catch up and tackle you.

Accelerando- Basically, Shozu accelerates from a low speed to a very high one.

Staccato- Shozu's strides become short so he can make cuts easier.

Spiccato- Shozu combines staccato with jumps, he makes short hops with every short step



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You'll need to add rules and the Advanced Clause. 24 hours until I have to lock.


Also, since this is a relatively-new RP and hasn't started yet, I'm moving this to the OOC forum and treating it as an OOC thread in order to get usage up. I hope you don't mind; if you have any questions, PM me.

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