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Bleach: Garganta-A World of Darkness {OOC}{PG-16}[Started/ Accepting by PM]

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[align=center]Plot [spoiler=]

It started with one to many trips.


The Garganta was a powerful took, used by Hollows and Arrancar alike to transverse between worlds. Aizen used the power to travel through worlds for his own means. The Soul Reapers subsequently used this power to try to combat the threat that was Aizen. They succeeded.


50 years ago Aizen was defeated. But the battle between the Soul Reapers and Hollows was not over. There were more Vasto Lorde hollows in Hueco Mundo, and they were tired of all of the trouble caused on their land. So they joined the fight. For 45 years, both sides fought and fought, neither gaining an advantage. After the fall of Captain Yamamoto and the head Vasto-Lorde, it was decided that the fighting should end. Both the Hollows and Soul Reapers decided to permanently destroy the Gargantan world, so that Soul Reapers and Hollows alike could never travel between each others worlds. They tried to destroy it…and failed.


See, most believed that the world inside of a Garganta was nothing, simply trapped spirits and reitsu. But they were wrong. It was a world, the world that everything else spawned from, and its leader was very angry. He didn’t mind occasional crossings through his world, for they paid in reitsu. But continually opening and closing of the Garganta and subsequent crossing allowed time for his trapped souls to escape, and cost him reitsu. Still he would not have acted were it not for the attempted destruction of his world.


A year ago, he launched his counteroffensive against both Soul Reapers and Hollows. He baited them to the human world, and trapped them there by blocking off their access to the Garganta. They could try to use the Garganta, but once inside, they were at the mercy of the Gagantan King, Oblivion. And as he keeps them confined to earth, he prepares to send his minions to Soul Society and Hueco Mundo respectively, to destroy them and make them his own. After that, he plans to absorb the Human World, and plunge everything into darkness.


Oblivion, the leader of the World inside of the garganta, master of interdemensional travel blanketed SOul Society with his Reitsu from the Gargantan World. He used this raw reitsu (the most powerful of all) to manipulate the reitsu within Soul Society so that Soul Reapers could no longer use their swords to get to Soul Society. Any attempt to do that would instead open a tunnel which would transport them to Oblivion's domain.


Now it’s a race against time. Arrancar and Soul Reapers alike have to fight this new threat. Will they team up to stop the threat? Who knows. Wounds from previous war still run deep. Alliances have been made, but they are easily broken. They are all fighting this war, where the only rule is: Trust No One.


So which side will you choose. Will you join the light or darkness. To answer that, you must first decided, are they so different?





Applications [spoiler=]


Soul Reapers/Vizard [spoiler=]



Division + Rank(or None):

Alliance(you can choose to have no alliance):

Pic or Description:

Zanpakto Name and Description:

Release Phrase:

Shikai Description:

Bankai Description:


Mask Description:

Mask Abilities:









Kido Skill:





Arrancar: [spoiler=]



Rank(or None):

Alliance(you can choose to have no alliance):

Pic or Description:

Special Ability(s): (Regeneration, etc)

Zanpakto Name and Description:

Release Phrase:

Resurecction Description:

Segunda Resurecction(If Applicable) Description:









Cero Skill:






Gargantan Minions [spoiler=]



Rank(Commander, General, etc or None):

Alliance(you can choose to have no alliance):

Pic or Description:

Special Abilities(s):


First Ability Description:

Second Ability Description:

Third Ability Description (If Applicable):


*All Minions have the ability to manipulate reitsu to some degree. This means that they can use attacks like or similar to Cero, Kido, etc







Reitsu Skill:





Other (Quincy, etc): [spoiler=]



Alliance(you can choose to have no alliance):

Pic or Description:

Weapon(s)(If applicable):

Special Ability(s):









(Place Here Your Choice of Skill):







Rules [spoiler=]

1) General YCM rules

2) No spamming, flamming, etc

3) All posts must be 3+ lines. I’m also a stickler for Grammar, so make sure its easily legible and understandable

4)NO OOC only posts after we start the actual story. No exceptions. PM if you have a problem. This illicits a warning.

5) ABSOULTELY NO GODMODDING- Please, there’s no need for it. At the first sign you will receive a warning.

6) Two warning, you are suspended. Three and you’re out. End of Story

7) Character Deaths must be approved by me. I’m okay with characters dieing, just let me know before you kill off anyone.

8) Final say on everything is mine. End of story.





My Application [spoiler=]

Name: Alvaro Konotce

Age: Unknown

Rank(or None): Espada 00- Leader of Espada

Alliance(you can choose to have no alliance):Arrancar

Pic or Description: i197.photobucket

Special Ability(s): (Regeneration, etc): Alvaro can manipulate and control shadows. He can use shadows to bind, restrict, attack, defend, etc. He can also use them to regenerate limbs and heal wounds.

Zanpakto Name and Description: Cosechar de Sombra. A long Katana, with black flames dancing along the hilt.

Release Phrase: Blacken the Night

Resurecction Description:

Alvaro gains a black mask with two white slits for eyes. His blade turns pure black, with black flames surrounding the hilt. His outfit turns black and warps into a long black sleeveless cloak, with a long hood. He gains heightened control over his shadows, and can use them over longer distances.

Cero de Sombra- Fires a large black Cero from his sword. He can control its size, shape, speed, direction, etc. It explodes on contact and deals 3X damage of a normal cero.

Cosechar de Sombra: Octopus Form- Alvaro is surrounded by Eight Tendrils of Shadow (they grow from his shadow). He can actively control them fore offense, defense, etc.

Cosechar de Sombra: Ultimate Octopus Form: Alvaro is surrounded by a mass of Shadows that grow to form an octopus 3 times as large as Alvaro. It is controlled internally by Alvaro. Any wounds inflicted on it are healed. It has all of Alvaro’s abilities (Speed, strength, etc)

Sombra Redirecto- He can conjure a mass of shadows that can absorb and redirect one attack. The stronger the portal, the stronger the redirected attack. If the strength of the attack exceeds the strength of the portal, the portal fails.


Segunda Resurecction(If Applicable) Description:

Alvaro's entire body becomes a dark shade of black, with his mask staying the same. His sword splits in half, and the halves melt into his arm, which then become impenetrable.(They are retractable) He has the highest degree of control over shadows, and can use them to take control of weaker vessels.

Mundo de las Sobras: Creates a Shadow Dimension that he can trap things in. (people,attaks,building,etc)


Ejercito de las Sombras: Can create shadow creatures(near limitless) that he can control.


Final de las Sobras: Creates a large mass of shadows, which breaks into thousands of smaller pieces that converge on the opponent(s) from all directions. Each exploded on contact with the 5x the power of a normal cero.

Final de Ejecito de las Sombras- Creates as giant shadow creature that Alvaro can control. While he controls the creature, he cannot use any other attacks.



Bio: A survivor from the original war, Alvaro quickly rose to his rank as leader of the Espada. During the old war with Aizen, he played a neutral role, concerned with neither side winning. During the new war, he was mostly on the side of the Arrancar, and was second in command. During the battle between the Espada’s leader and Yammamoto, Alvaro intervened in the battle, killing both of them with one attack. He is said to be by far the strongest Arrancar in Hueco Mundo. It is also said that he has a third release, though these rumors haven’t been confirmed. Alvaro rarely kills his opponents; he only does it if necessary. He instead likes to draw out his battles. Despite his strength, he has a predominately passive nature, and needs to be pushed to fight fully.



Offense: 9/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 8/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Cero Skill: 8/10

Total: 54



Name: Evlin Ronesto

Age: Unknown

Rank(Commander, General, etc or None): Commander

Alliance(you can choose to have no alliance): Oblivion

Pic or Description: zjtpjc1.jpg


Special Abilities(s): Evlin has the ability to manipulate reitsu based thing. She can form objects from pure reitsu, break down things made of reitsu, and to a degree influence the reitsu that a person has in their body. (Granting her minor movement control.)


Weapon(s): Oni Shiro-Double Bladed Staff. Concealed inside of it a katana.


First Ability Description: Evlin’s sword lights up, almost if surrounded by an Aura. While Evlin is touching the Aura, she is safe from Reitsu based attacks. The Aura allows Evlin to fire reitsu based attacks (Cero, Bala, and Kidou Spells) from her staff. She can use any reitsu attack provided that she knows how to use it (she has to see it to be able to use it.) It also absorbs reitsu attacks (to a small degree) which is converted into healing reitsu. She can store it or use it to heal herself at that time.


Special Technique- Sugoku Ku-Fuu: Evlin spins her staff over her head extremely rapidly. While she is spinnig, the staff shoots off hundreds of reitsu blasts in all direction. When she stops spinning the staff, a large circular blasts if fired off.


Second Ability Description: The Aura grows Evlin, grows in size and turns black. She also grows large black wings. She can send reitsu attacks from these wings. Her staff gains the ability to deflect reitsu attacks sent at her. (As long as they do not overload the staff) Her Aura also allows her to do the same, however she loses the ability to absorb energy attacks and to heal herself. She is also more vulnerable in this form.


Special Technique- Oni Ku-Fuu: Evlin spreads her wings wide open and holds her staff in front of her. She then sends thousands of black energy attacks at her opponents. She has control over the blasts (though not individual blasts) and can direct them. She can also control their speed. While she does this, she is unable to move more than a few feet. Her staff however blocks and physical attack on its own.


Third Ability Description (If Applicable): The Aura turns half-white and half-black, giving Evlin the abilities she had in her previous forms. The staff shatters revealing her Sword-Akuma Shimobe. She can fire energy based attacks from it at will, with complete control of their size, direction, and speed. Her aura also grants her a higher physical defense, and immunity from reitsu based attacks. Her sword can also respond on its own to physical attacks. This form however is very draining, and she cannot hold it for more than 110 seconds. It is meant to be a quick, finishing move.


Bio: Evlin Ronesto has lived in all three worlds. She was killed in a car accident when she was twelve while she was a human. She became a soul reaper thousands of years ago. However, she was too sure of herself, and as a result was devoured by, and subsequently transformed into, a hollow. As a hollow, she showed a fighting prowess that quickly enabled her to evolve into an Adjuchas. When she opened a Garganta to go to earth, she was trapped in Oblivion’s domain. Oblivion however took a liking to her, and allowed her to live and train at his palace. She is Oblivions most trusted assassin. Her work throughout Oblivion’s domain has earned her the name Onii Shiro, The White Devil.


*All Minions have the ability to manipulate reitsu to some degree. This means that they can use attacks like or similar to Cero, Kido, etc


Offense: 7/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 7/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Reitsu Skill: 10/10

Total: 53/60





Accepted Members [spoiler=]

Magnet Soldier-Kristen Clement

namelessk-Karek Shirikoya

Mr.WHAM-Ze'borova Preyn

Dark Lightning-Raizen Osia

solomon409-Yooikia Tohian

Dark Necro- Serokoshu



ryuujin: Faust Zsamael

Allesk-Horyuu Okibi

DigiMaster Ragnarock- Nicholas (Nick) Verano

GOWLover18-Kukoro Bon'Ichi

00-Raiser- Cross Marian

yugiohblaze- Kitatsu Miyazaki/Zeldanne Lamparro

The Dragon Duelist (reserved)








1st Division Captain- Magnet Soldier

2nd Division Captain-Ze'borova: Mr.WHAM

3rd Division Captain- Titan King (reserved)

4th Division Captain

5th Division Captain-Kura: KurashiDragon

6th Division Captain-Raizen: Dark Lightning

7th Division Captain

8th Division Captain-Karek: namelessk

9th Division Captain- Kitatsu: yugiohblaze

10th Division Captain- Kristen: Magnet Soldier

11th Division Captain

12th Division Captain- Horyuu: Allesk


Leader of Espada/Espada Numero 00- Alvaro: deept97

Co-Leader of Espada/Espada Numero 0- Hinote: Dark Lightning

Espada Numero 1- Johnis: Marsuvees Black

Espada Numero 2- Serokoshu: Dark Necro

Espada Numero 3- Tenad: KurashiDragon

Espada Numero 4- Faust: ryuujinn

Espada Numero 5- Reserved (The Dragon Duelist)

Espada Numero 6- Zeldanne: yugiohblaze

Espada Numero 7

Espada Numero 8

Espada Numero 9







Saga 1-Gargantuans (completed)

Saga 2- Soul Society

Saga 3- Into the Garganta

Saga 4- The Palace

Saga 5- Broken

Saga 6- Artifacts of Power

Saga 7- Unite: Back to Earth

Saga 8- Separation

Saga 9- The Final Battle

Sage 10- Until We Meet Again



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Skip it. You shhud definitely post the link to this thread on the thread. By the way, why is Derven in the Garganta. Also why are there camera's in my blood? Also if Evlin ever shoots a cero at me and stops it, I won't kill her, but I will hurt her. ^.^ (There will be a semi-egotistic comment to that last part. *Cough&)

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