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Murder City(Owned by .:Haruki Adachi:. (Co-Owned by Hotaru987))-Ooc- Need more ppl!!!

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A City of Freeborn has just been taken over by some of the hardest caught criminals ever and it is up to a team of investigators and cops in order to take back control of the city and rid it of the chaos around it.You take the role of either part of the force or one of the many criminals,either way its all up to you.


This was an RP originally started by .:Haruki Adachi:. and it soon died from inconsistant posting. He re-did it on TheHDForums(You should check it out. It's similar to this site). I've been given permission to start it again, in another attempt.


Please post your APPs on here and wait for either myself or Haruki to accept you before posting.


I know that I am not above the rules, but I have three characters in the RP on TheHDforums, so I will possibly be the only one with more than two characters.



1. Violence is encouraged.

2. Cursing is Ok. But don't curse too much.

3. No God Modding.

4. No killing without permission of the other character.

5. Since we all here know how to spell let's do so(Unless your character has a certain way to talk).

6. No Ooc only post, in the IC thread.

7. If you're character died, you're welcome to make another one.

8. Two Characters per person.

9. Please give your character a certain style that is not related to most animes or shows.

10. Please give some sort of drawback to your ability.

11. Romances are allowed, but please nothing too provocative. It's Pg-16 mostly for violence, and cursing.




Character Name:



Age: (Nothing lower than 13 please)

Personality: (Either sentence or one word discriptions eg: Kind, Sadistic, cool,....e.t.c)

Class: (Murderer,Detective,or Observer)

Working with(If murderer): (On your own/Konninitchi)

Powers/Weapons: (Two powers per person. Please read the rules to know the other thing needed for this section.)

Appearence: (Pic or discription 4+ lines)




[spoiler=My Apps]Username: Saiyukiloverz

Character Name: Raito Mizano

Nicknames: Rai-sama (Only by his followers) Rai-nii(By Yuki) Rai-kun(by Kai)

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Personality: Calm, calculative, doesn't do anything more or less than he was paid to do. Rarely shows emotion, and is on the side of whoever highers him. Does care about Yuki, and wouldn't hurt her no matter what.

Class: Unknown (Later Detective)

Powers/Weapons: Can control water/ice, and can use Misting. Misting is when he changes his body into Mist, but he cannot attack in this form. Also uses a Bo-staff.




Username: Saiyukiloverz

Character Name: Kai Crano

Nicknames: Kai-san(By Raizo)

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Loud, reckless, gets bored easily and doesn't listen to anyone but Raito. He usually doesn't think about his actions before doing them which causes sloppy execution of their job.

Class: Unknown (Later detective)

Powers/Weapons: Can control energy itself, by condensing it and using it as an attack. Can also control gravity. However the longer he uses his attacks the more blood he loses.





Character Name: Yuki Mizano

Nicknames: "Yu-chan" Or "Mimi"

Sex: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Yuki is slightly insane, having been placed in a mental home for most of her childhood due to a very tramatic incident. She's very childish, and can be quite cynical when provoked or if she snaps. With her powers having to deal with having sefl mind control she always have some type of candy with her, as csugar is the only thing that can heep her calm.

Class: Detective

Powers/Weapons: Telekinesis, can move things with her mind, however the heavier the object the more of a strain, and create forcefields. After using her powers she can sometimes get headaches, and suffer from blood loss.






Hotaru987: Yuki & Raito Mizano & Kai Crano

Magnent Soldier: Dylan Smith & Christopher Gene

MortalKombatSmoke: Tadayoshi Kurokawa & Null



You may have detective partners, or Murder partners.

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Here's my app from the HD forums version, aswell as one for a minor character I had for a moment in it. Hope it's as popular, if not more, as the HD one.


Username: Magnet Soldier

Character Name: Dylan Smith

Nicknames: None.

Sex: Male

Age: 22

Personality: A tactical genius and calm killer. He is calm and collected, and never flinches. However, he has an unsatiable hunger for blood.

Class: Murderer.

Powers/Weapons: Ability to phase(Walk through objects) aslong as he can see and/or touch the object, making him impossible to kill head on. It also allows him to go inside other's bodies, killing them from the inside, or healing others. However, when he is phasing, he cannot touch anything but the ground, and when materializing, he has to have all his vital organs in the air. Weapons include: Flash grenades, Frag grenades, Twin double barreled revolvers, twin Muramasa's, four short curved blades, a silenced Sniper rifle with optional thermal scope, C4, Smoke grenades, Shurikens, Kunai knives, An RPG-7 and an AK47.

Appearence: [spoiler=]59bc6e7e6c8340_full.jpg


Biography: He is an infamous murderer and thief, known by once breaking into the Royal Bank of England, one of the most secure places on the planet. He has also assassinated three people of importance, including the last king of Kenya, all at the same time, inside the bank. He is also the unofficial owner of the city, feared by most citizens. He referes to the city as his city.


Username: Magnet Soldier

Character Name: Christopher Gene.

Nicknames: Chris. Genetic.

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Chris is a loyal man, serving anyone who can best him in both power skill, and skill with a blade. He prefere's to attack from a distance with his power, but is highly skilled with a blade, being bested only by one man, Dylan.

Class: Murderer.

Powers/Weapons: Chris has the power to manipulate atoms. This allows him to mutate most objects, and cause automatic chemical reactions. It has it's limitations, and every time he uses it, his body heats, meaning he could burn himself over using it. He also weilds a Muramasa and a magnum 38., and can kill plenty of people with them.

Appearence: [spoiler=]2280199351_c710460517.jpg?v=0


Biography: Chris was an Orphan, found at 7 wandering the streets of Murder city. He was avoided by most, as he had a strange habit of killing people in an unknown way. Once, when he was 7 and found, the man who did took him in. He taught him many ways of fighting, mainly revolving around swords. By the time he was 10, he could kill a man in a thousand ways, with his index finger only. He soon became leader of a street gang, which was well known around the city. However, at 16, he was approached by a man. He was challenged by this man, and defeated within a minute. The city was shocked, and was claimed by this man. This man was called Dylan, and realising Chris' talent, made him his second. Dylan was unknown, and most still believed Chris was leader, untill Dylan's mass murder at the Royal bank of England, and his very public return to Murder city, where he killed three thousand guards without breaking a sweat. Then Chris was shunned and forgotten to all but his gang.

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Character Name:Real name unknown but is called "Arashi" buy Ayumi and a few others.

Nicknames:Demon of the Black Flame


Age: 25

Personality: Sadistic when it comes to he Prey, When around his friends he still displays his Sadistic side as jokes.

Class: Murderer turned Detective......?



-Dark Flame: This ability allows you to generate dark energy in the form of black Flames which can burn almost anything. You can project dark flames from your entire body and even cause objects to melt. If over used -----can lose control of the fire and burning everything even him. Running out of energy to burn can cause him to become weak. He uses a sword given to him by Ayumi its blade is black the a red scar like pattern going from the Hilt to the tip of the blade.



Biography:Arashi use to be a Murderer he used seduction and sweets to lure his victims and cut them up when they least expect it and sometimes burning them little by little until they where barely alive then let them heal then repeat the proceses until he got bored. After a while her got bored until he met Ayumi together they commited a various amount of crimes until they both became bored of that. they decided to become Detectives......?



Character Name:Ayumi Nikure

Nicknames:Ballerina of Icy Blades


Age: 22

Personality:she is Kind yet Sadistic around other but around Arashi she displays a little sister personality but still Sadistic.

Class: Murderer turned Detective........?



- Ice Lightning: ability to create and manipulate Lightning so cold it Freezes when used Ayumi hands start to freeze the more used the faster it freezes it takes at least 30 min for hands to unfreeze.

-Blade Manipulation: ability to use Bladed objects with god-like skills.Ayumi can use her blood along with any object to create a bladed weapon. She can protrude blades out of her body. When creating weapons the more blood she uses the weaker she gets until she looses consciousness.

Appearence: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/218/4/2/CG_Girl_38_by_iDNAR.jpg


Biography: not much is known about the her before she met Arashi

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[spoiler=App]Username: MortalKombatSmoke

Character Name: Tadayoshi Kurokawa

Nicknames: Sly, Tada-san or just Tada, Buger


Age: 17

Personality: great negotiator, charismatic, Highly Intelligent, some psychological disorders, usually stress free, systematic, "sees the whole picture", risk-taker, results-oriented, erratic, observant, sore looser.

Class: 1st class Detective

Powers: Telepathy, can read minds, can send subliminal messages into one's mind to trick one into doing something. And has a semi-automatic handgun.

Bio: Tadayoshi was normal and rich for that matter. His mother was shot dead by an unknown man and had drove Tada into making his revenge with the mystery man by becoming a detective.



[spoiler= img]anime_guy-1.jpg




Username:Dimitri Shadow

Character Name: Null

Nicknames: none

Sex: Male

Age: unknown

Personality: Highly Intelligent, observant, sore looser, Mysterious, never looks back, will do anything to get to his goal.

Class: Murderer

Powers/Weapons:Advanced Telepathy, can read and control minds, can distort them.

Appearence:1144865-re5_large.jpg Under the hood is a face mask so you can only see his right eye.



Hey Saiyukiloverz ;D

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@MortalKombatSmoke: Whats up! Same partners? And of course both characters are accepted.


@TitanKing: Can you please put in personalities for your characters. If you do that then you'll be accepted.


Also all detectives will be working at the Freeborn Detective Agency. So most likely all detectives will have already met eachother at some point in time.


And if anybody wants too someone can make an app to be the chief. If no one does then I guess I will make the app, but I was trying to avoid breaking my rule even more.


But if no one wants too by the time I start the RP, then I will make the app.

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I'll make it, if It becomes an exception to the rule. I dont want to delete one of the other Characters. And Titan, 'Cold lightning'? Impossible. Lightning burns at a temparature almost of Lava, and moves so fast that it couldn't possibly cool, infact, it makes it hotter. Also, all electricity is hot, which is why it burns.

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@MortalKombatSmoke: Totally! And btw, FMA:Brotherhood is AWESOME!!!


@Magnet Solder: I can understand what you mean about 'Cold Lightening'. It doesn't make any sense. However, I understand what TitanKing means only because in one of the anime's Ive watched(Can't remember the name) there was one guy who had an attack that looked like lightening but it froze things instead. So thats the only reason why I didn't say anything about that.


As for you having the Chief, I would rather you not have him since you've already made two other characters and have exceded the maximum amount. However, if no one wants the position by the time I start the RP then I will allow it. So go ahead and make the app for him.



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Username: Magnet soldier

Character Name: Nicholas Sanderson.

Nicknames: The chief

Sex: Male

Age: 40

Personality: Nicholas is a stern, bossy man with a bad temper. He likes to be in control and punishes people severly for disobeying him. However, he is kind deep down and believes firmly in justice.

Class: Chief/detective

Powers/Weapons: X ray vision(Obvious) and Earth maipulation. Nicholas can only slightly manipulate rocks and earth. He can only create blocks, which he uses for defence and such. He used to be able to do much more, but, being the chief, he hasn't practised for a while.



Biography(optional): Nicholas is a legend among police. He took down a gang of three hundred power criminals, all armed with lasers, in ten minutes. It was said that he was the most talented detective/police officer the world had ever known. He started off as a vigilante, using his powers to take down criminals. He was soon found and hired by the police force, and soon rose to one of the highest people in the force. Then he was sent to Freeborn, A.K.A Murder city. He soon discovered that he wasn't as good as he thought, the Murder City police force being one of the best in the world. However, he was soon the best in that, and has been the chief for 6 years. All this time he has co-ordithe arrest of 13 of the powerfullest criminals in the world.

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Username: Christian Exodia

Character Name: Alexandria Ryder

Nicknames: "Ghost"

Sex: Female

Age: 14

Personality: Calm & Collected.

Class: Detective

Powers/Weapons: Can see anyone she has touched at an earlier moment through an orb, where they are, the time, e.t.c. But she cannot move while monitoring the orb, unless it's her hands moving around in the orb.




Biography(optional): Since it's optional, no.

Something else: Look up Kalifa, her hair is let down like that.

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