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Yu-Gi-Oh: Falsebound Eternal, Occ Thread [Pg 13/Accepting/Starting June 10th!!]

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[Note: This Rp will not be the 3 on 3 monster fight like the original game "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Falsebound Kingdom"]


Plot: The game named "Kingdom", made by the master mind "Scott" is no more. But years later the game was redeveloped by a corporation eger to make money, they left some of the castels in cities the same but now most of the game is compleatly modernised with shops and duel runners. Instread of haveing a 3 on 3 monster battle like the original game, it's for pkaying the card game with players all around the world. But what the corporation didn't realise was that some reminance of Scott was built into the main programing of Kingdom and reciently the game has been short cicriting and programs and been shorting out and while all this is going onsomething even greater is about to happen in the world of kingdom, can you stop it?


[Character Skeleton]

Name: Jon Durid

Age: 15

Apperance: Jon wares a blue and white jacket, black shirt and pants. He has short brown hair and green eyes.

Bio: Jon played the game in his home town a lot but never found a good chalngange until he joined the Kingdom game.

Deck Type: Level Deck

Ace Card: Deitie of Phantasm


[Character Skeleton]

We will be accepting via Private Message to me and a co-owner is wanted, if you would like to apply for this job please PM me.


Accepted Characters [Also Accepting through Occ]

Name: Jon Durid

Age: 15

Apperance: Jon wares a blue and white jacket, black shirt and pants. He has short brown hair and green eyes.

Bio: Jon played the game in his home town a lot but never found a good chalngange until he joined the Kingdom game.

Deck Type: Level Deck

Ace Card: Deitie of Phantasm

Link to Rp: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-207588.html


All the basic YCM rules apply here.

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Ide like to join, heres my app.


Name: Alex Bird

Age: 13

Apperance: Alex has blue eyes and blond hair. He commonly wheres a long sleave white T-Shirt and blue jeens.

Bio: Alex grew up loveing the game of duel monsters but he had a troybled past. Many of the cards in his are stolen or won in ante dules. Despite his past he is a much better person now.

Deck Type: Luster Fortress Deck

Ace Card: Black Luster Emperor

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Name: Atlas

Age: Mixed





Bio: During a distant war happening through multiverse, a man called Protheus appeared. Little knew his intentions, and even less knew who he was in the first place. Only those who came from his own dimension, the RoT dimension, knew who he was, but even then, they knew little about him. The Paradox Wars ripped Protheus apart. But he emerged one final time during the conclusion of his dimension, and attempted to finish his work, but failed, and was destroyed. Due to his unexplained trapped soul, he stayed as some kind of ghost. He wandered along before he found the remains of Paradox's runner, and sent himself on another journey, only to crash into a black hole, which ripped his soul apart, and sent each piece across the multiverse.

One piece happened to travel even further than the others and broke through into inhabit a normal cool school boy, and then overtook the helpless person, destroying his life. Protheus arose again, renaming himself Atlas. He then found out about this 'video game'. He decided to join it, and change it to his likings, but, it was almost broken. So he's going to fix it.

Deck Type: Dark Destruction

Ace Card: Dark One Omega Thanatos

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Ok Tokyo, I want to develop the story a little so go ahead and intrupt our duel with this. "Good Day ladies and gentleman. I'm sure all of you have noticed all your dules and your ability to leave this world freely have been terminated, and most of you will follow with that. Now before you run screaming I think all of you all would like to know why I said MOST of you will die. Heres how it works, y'ull notice that you all have a divice on your arm with three lights. Every time you duel and lose a light will go on. When all of them are lit your mind, witch has now been linked to this game will be terminated. O and don't even think about hideing and waiting until almost everyone is gone, because the games inner time mechinsms are still actitave, if you don't duel for even one day, yu'll be imeadtly terminated. Good luck.". And Merciful Idiot when we leave for Ski-Veskis I need you to chalnge us to a two on one duel when we get there. Feel free to take the story however you want it to go after that, it dosen't matter who wins this duel.

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