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Dark Core - A Percy Jackson RP (Started)(Accepting)(OoC)

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It is decades after the Battle of Manhatten, in which Percy Jackson defeated Kronos' army. But dark things are stirring once again. Evil forces more ancient than even Kronos. All monsters reform after they are killed. These beasts, however, haven't been reformed for eons, so long that everybody has forgotten. Everybody but one. Mnemosyne, Goddess of Memory. She warned Zeus and the other Olympians of the impending doom, giving them time to prepare for battle. But even forewarned, the Olympians can do nothing to protect themselves from the fast approaching death. Or can they?


You are one of the demigods of this era. It is up to you to find out what this threat is, and how to stop it. Immortals will guide you on your journey as much as they can, but evil forces, invulnerable to both gods and mortals, are weakening their resolve. Some gods have turned, thinking that the forces of darkness will destroy Olympus and the mortal world.

The only way to defeat the beasts from ancient history is with magic long-since forgotten. How will you survive this impending doom?



[spoiler=Rules MUST READ]

1. Censor any swearing

2. All YCM rules

3. I (And co-hosts) have final say

4. I have the right to deny any applicants

5. 4 lines minimum

6. At least try to stay active

7. I have the ability to add or remove rules as I see fit.






Gender: (M or F)

Faction: (Supporting or against Camp Half-Blood)

Appearance: (Description is preferred)

Godly Parent: (Big 3 are allowed)


Magical Items:

Bio: (4 lines minimum)

Anything else:

[spoiler=My apps]


Name: Nikki Heartstrung

Age: 14

Gender: F

Faction: Against, because of her parentage

Appearance: Nikki, a strikingly attractive Asian girl, has her waist-length black hair held back by a ribbon, to keep it out of her face. She wears a bright green T-shirt, and her white skirt goes down to her knees.

Godly Parent: Apate, Goddess of Deception

Weapons: Five jewelled daggers, which are magnetically attracted to her ring.

Magical Items: Ring of invisibility, which has a magnetic field she can alter at will, either to attract her knives, or repel other items made of Celestial Bronze, including weapons.

Bio: Nikki would rather support Camp Half-Blood. She really would. But her mother, the goddess of treachery and lies, would rather she fought for the same dark forces that threaten to destroy the world. Nikki did not object, due to her mother's powers over persuasion, but she would no-doubt switch to Camp Half-Blood in a flash if somebody would break the enchantment.

Anything else: Forced to work against Camp Half-Blood by her mother




Name: Ravax

Age: 16

Gender: M

Faction: Camp

Appearance: Ravax is an extremely average-looking boy. There's nothing special about him to take notice of. In fact, you wouldn't even notice he was there unless he actively kept your attention. Ravax is of average build and height, and his clothes are a pale shade of grey that blends in with any background. His hair is cut short and dark-brown, and his eyes are a deep blue, almost indigo.

Godly Parent: N/A

Weapons: N/A

Magical Items: N/A

Bio: Nobody knows a thing about Ravax. Nobody knows what weapons he uses, or what kinds of powers he has. Nobody even knows his parent. For all everybody else knows, he could just be a mortal who can see through the Mist. But he knows this is not true. He knows exactly who his godly parent is. He knows that he has highly developed powers over people's memories, and their perception of events. He is an expert at figuring out puzzles of the mind.

Anything else: Nobody really knows anything about him, including his parentage, and he can easily fade into the background. His magical powers are unknown. People often don't even remember his existance in general. Ravax thinks that maybe, this is for the better.




Name: Dante Brimston

Age: 17

Gender: M

Faction: Camp

Appearance: Tall and slender, Dante wears a black leather jacket over his customary Camp Half-Blood T-shirt. His jeans are black, as is his hair. His eyes are a deep green, and his skin is tanned almost bronze from years outdoors. When his jacket transforms into armor, there are three sheathes on the back, each at a different angle. Protruding over his left shoulder is Omega, his white blade. Zeta is sheathed over his right. Halfway between each sheath is a third blade, that is completely gold. It is, however, entirely decorational.

Godly Parent: Eos, Goddess of the Dawn

Weapons: Two Swords; one, pitch black, is made of Stygian Iron is called Zeta, and one is pure white, called Omega, and made of Immortal Marble.

Magical Items: A shield that is made half-and-half of Stygian Iron and Immortal Marble, which changes colour depending on which of his weapons are closest. Also, his jacket can shift into a full set of armor, which is the same as his shield.

Bio: Son of Dawn. The time between night and day. Dark and Light. Dante`s weapons are evidence of this. Dante was orphaned at a young age, and he went off alone in search of somewhere to go. He felt desolate during much of that time, except for the dawn of each new day. It gave him strength to proceed. Eventually, he reached Camp Half-Blood. And then he learned to fight. How to track monsters. How to survive.

Anything else: Ambidexterous, meaning he is both Left- and Right-Handed








[spoiler=First Prophecy]

Coming evil, bane of life,

Causing fears, one father strife,

Nightmare master, all alone,

Coming West, to take the throne,

Shining moon and mothers all,

Fight a foe that cannot fall,

The Alkahest Items may win the fight,

But in the wrong hands, end every light,

With them, campers, three or more,

Head East to fight the Dark Core.





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Name:Kos(Said like Coss)



Gender: Male


Faction:(I loved all the books but) Against Camp Half Blood


Appearance: Kos is 5'7 and is African American. His hair is in a Mohawk with spikes. The tips of thoughs are in red. He loves the colors blue, red, black and green. He is loves water and death. He calls himself the Killer of Souls. He has a pet called Earl. Earl is a fiend. It can turn into a spider, scorpion and human. It is about as big as a small table.


Godly Parents: Hades.


Weapons: He takes his pet everywhere. Also he has a dagger that turns into a sword.

The sword is called DoomFrost. It has freezing and dark powers. He can regenerate on graveyards and places that have dark areas.


Magical Item: He has orbs of frost that he can throw and when it hits something it uncovers the fog. If it hits a person it will remind them of a time when they were betrayed.


Bio: He was allowed to live in the Underworld. He left for answers to reviving. Anything that had passed away.

He went to Half Blood hill for 2 years and was friends with Percy until he met his brother.

He didn't like the he was in a cabin by himself and was the only at camp.

he tried to kill Everyone at camp. He found out that Kronos and the Profecy could come true and he talked to Kronos in a dream one night. Kronos, Hades, and himself made a deal to start the world anew. They wanted to strike fear into everyone.


Anything Else: He used to secretly date Annabeth. When he turned evil they broke up. He wanted to kill Zeus and his brother for giving Hades the Underworld as the area to control.

Hades wanted to be likable so Kos is trying to kill Zeus.


He Lives somewhere in Japan.

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Denied for so many reasons



He loves the colors blue' date=' red, black and green. He is loves water and death. He calls himself the Killer of Souls. He has a pet called Earl. Earl is a fiend. It can turn into a spider, scorpion and human. It is about as big as a small table.


What does that have to do with appearance?


2. This RP is set in the future. At his age, he wouldn't have been alive to be friends with Percy, OR date Annabeth.


3. This RP does not take place in Japan.

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Sure I'll Co-Host.


Name: Zack Dratini

Age: 16

Gender: M

Faction: Supporting

Appearance: http://stu004749.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/anime_guy_2.jpg

except with blonde hair.

Godly Parent: Perceus

Weapons: Dagger, Sword, Shield

Magical Items: None at the moment.

Bio: Zack was born stuck with just his mother. He had a lot of friends unlike Percy before he saved the world. He left the school when he damaged himself using his BMX and when he got home he got a class of water and spilled it and it healed his damages. He asked his mother what just happened and she explained. Then she took him to Camp Half Blood.

Anything else: He carries bottles of water to heal himself every once and awhile.

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sorry ok. I will do this again.


Name: Kos Springs


Gender: Male

Faction: Not Supporting


Apperance: He has a Mohawk that is spiked. The spikes have red tips symbolizing blood, death, and war. He is 5'7 and is African American. He mostly wears black. He wears sleevless shirts mostly.


Godly Parents: Hades


Weapons: M4, Earl(his pet that can transfrom into a human, spider, or scorpion. It's a fiend), Sword called DoomFrost. Can change into a a small dagger called HellFire.


Magical Item: Earl the pet Fiend. With the mist it looks like a beat up old dog.


Bio: Kos was living in the wealth of Hades until he was 12. He was sent to camp Half Blood to work on his magical powers. he wanted to be a death wizard able to revive the dead to fight for him. One day his dad and Hades brother's had a discussion about Kos. Kos over heard because he wanted to here what was going on. Hades was and his son were aware of this new threat. Hades felt it was good that his son could prove himself useful and take down this threat. With kronos defeated Kos felt the world was back on it's feet. He wanted to help but something told him in his mind that he should leave a try to take out the camp. Evil spirits were corrupting Kos and now Kos was evil. He left Hades and came up here to our world. He was doing what the spirits wanted him to do. He would try and destroy Mount Olympus.

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Name: Tide Waitors

Age: 14

Gender: M

Faction: Supporting

Appearance: He is around 6' 3 buff and fit for his age. He has short army cut brown hair and he has a scar on his cheek. he is built like a Hepheastus camper but srprisly is a son of Poseidon.

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Weapons: A blue titanium spear which could turn into an ipod. It can shoot water at will. It has a design at the hilt with two twin waves signfying him and his twin Aqua.

Magical Items: A football helmet that turns him invisible, A baseball bat which can turn into a mace.

Bio: He was born to a a beautuiful woman named Cathi who lived by the Naples, Florida coast. He had a twin that was a girl and they played many times in the beaches. they were very close. Their father came to visit them many times usually four times a week. Cathi was happy that Tide and his sister got along so well. But soon tragedy struck when a monster came after tide and his sister with his father's help he fended it off but his mother was badly injured. He was scratched on the face and received a scar on his young face. His Father sent him to camp Half- blood to train with his sister. they always stuck together and you can ususally see them both together at all times.



Name: Aqua Waitors

Age: 14

Gender: F

Faction: Supporting

Appearance: She has long brown hair and a beautiful face like her mother's. Aqua usually wears her hair down and she is about 5'6. She has an apperance similar to her twin Tide.

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Weapons: Twin blue swords that can shoot out bolts of lightning. The hilt has a design that signifies to twin waves signifying her and her twin tide.

Magical Items: A barret that can transform into a set of armor. Also she has a pair of goggles that can see anywhere she wishes.


Basically she has the same as her brother's except for a few things. in the battle versing the hydra that injured her mother and scarred her brother she ran in fear and that scarred her mentally that if her brother ever got hurt she would go into a freaking out sate that confuses her jugding abilities and techinically making her a VERY LOOSE CANNON. She was mainly sent to camp to train her powers and solve this problem.

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Name: Jecht Kyne

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Faction: Supporting Camp Half-Blood

Appearance: Jecht is tall and has a lean build, with long black hair. He has a streak of orang and yellow in the front of his hair. He has bright green eyes and unusally white teeth. HE usually is found wearing a ripped set of black jeans with various chains on them, a black t-shirt with various logos. He wears a spike punk stud in his right ear.

Godly Parent: Zeus

Weapons: A dao sword made with a mixture of celestial bronze and mortal iron. The sword transforms into a golden ring with a symbol of a lightning bolt on it made of topaz.

Magical Items: A pointed punk stud earring that can extend into a set of armor.

Bio: Jecht was raised in Japan, an only child. As a child he was abused and he has the scars to remember it. He was too young to do anything about it. Then one night, when Jecht was only 10, she was going to hit him when Jecht eletrocuted her, intantly killing her. When the nieghbors heard her scream they thought she had killed herself because Jecht cleverly had placed her body by the fuse box and open it. He was put in the care of a local orphanage. He had no other family. He always did well in school though. But he always showed signs of his powers. Whenever somebody touched him they recieved a shock. Then a satyr found him and brought him to Camp Half-Blood. AT Camp Half-Blood he never learned how to properly control his abilities. He always has am arua of electricity around him. He excelled in swordmanship though.

Anything else:

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