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Silent Hill: The Curse of Toluca Lake[OOC][Started / Accepting][PG-16+]

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I changed Nathan's age to 33 and now I'm gonna make one more character!


Name: Ethan Ducan Carter

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Ethan is 5'11" and weighs 135 lbs. He wears dark blue jeans and black sneakers with white socks.


Hometown and State: Detroit, MI

Who do you see the picture as?: My brother

[spoiler=Personality:]Ethan is a kind and friendly person, without being too nice for his own good. Ethan is bright and very helpful. Ethan is not afraid to do dirty work if it has high benefits. He tries his best to remain calm and collected in situations that would make a person have a nervous breakdown. Ethan is brave yet he is cautious when it comes to things that he doesn't understand. He is quite athletic, participating in multiple sports during his time in high school.


[spoiler=Bio:]Ethan was born on October 14 in a small house in Detroit. Growing up, Ethan didn't have much to look forward to due to his family being of low-class. Ethan used to spend his time playing football and basketball with his friends. Although Ethan had a hectic schedule in extracuricular activities in school, he always maintain good grades in every class, although he is not the smartest in his class. Ethan was pretty popular with the ladies as well, having girls asking him out on dates. Ethan didn't pay much attention to popularity however. Ethan soon graduate high school and decided to move to Silent Hill in order to get a temporarily job while he figures out his plans for college and a future career. Ethan has sign up to work for a local packaging company in Silent Hill.


Games of Silent Hill you've played: Most of them

Games of Silent Hill you want: Silent Hill 8

Describe your worst Nightmare: Don't really need to do it again

Favorite Character from Silent Hill: James Sunderland

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