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Heartfall [PG-13][Started/Still Accepting]Romance/Action[Owned by CristalFlames]


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Reina's head jerked up and her eyes were wide. "!?" Another person knew about Heartfall. She couldn't believe her ears. Her ears were perked up and her tail was stuck straight out. How did this happen? Was she hearing right? He said it went downhill from there. Reina didn't know if she should answer or not. What would happen if she did? What would happen if she didn't? She finally opened her mouth. "Yes...I am....Princess Reina of Heartfall...."

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Jecht was more preoccupied with staring at that tree than listening to them talk. When Ven began complimenting the neko girl, Jecht just rolled his eyes. Then his mind drifted to the treasure. He knew he was lost and he admitted it. Could he be able his way back home? He always heard stories about people getting lost out in the forest and not being able to ofind their way back. The story always ended up the same way, the guy lost ending up dying out there. All alone. He didn't want to go like that. Then he tuned into the couple talking and heard her say she was the princess of Heartfall. He'd been to Heartfall before. He thought. Maybe. HE remembered finding some documents in Heartfall. Some treasure that was. "You're the princess? Then what are you doing out here?" He asked being a little nosy.

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Ven whistled. "Wow..your the Princess of Heartfall? That is pretty awesome. My parents lived in Heartfall...before I was born." he said. "After I was born, they divorced so I left with my dad..he left my mom back in Heartfall. Though my dad would go back their time to time, since he made swords and blades for Heartfall...he did take me to see my mom sometimes." he said with a sigh. He looked Reina and said,"So what are you doing all the way in the middle of nowhere?"

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"Mother sold me....After all these years I finally ran away...So I was on my way back to Heartfall..." It hurt to remember. Her mother. That was the day she saw her father cry. How her brothers and sister acted when she was taken. It hurt. It was stuck in her memory and hated it. The reason she had been sold was unknown. But she knew it. Reina knew why and so she was going to fix it before she returned. She looked at Jecht. "Jecht...Here..." She tossed a small bag with food in it to him. Reina hadn't eaten and didn't want it.

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Ven watched Renia give Jecht the small bag with food. He looked at Renia and asked,"Renia...why didnt you eat any of that? You should at least eat something." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small fruit. He tossed it at Renia and said,"Here, eat this. I know it isnt much, but please eat it. You need it more than I do."

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"If you knew what I have been through you probably wouldn't eat either...." Reina caught it. She didn't want to be rude so she took a tiny bite from the fruit. Her taste buds went crazy. It was the best thing she had eaten in so long. She took another bite eating more of it. Reina couldn't believe it tasted so good. She almost forgot the reason she stopped eating.

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Ven smiled. "I knew you'd like that fruit. I forgot its name so, I cant exactly tell you what the fruit is called." he said with a sigh. "All I know is they grew on the tree near my house...before it was burnt down. It was right after that assassin killed my father..." He felt his eyes start to water and then shook his head. "I promised him before he died...that I'd kill that assassin. Cause he told me that he would kill someone important. Not sure who though."

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She finished eating it. Reina looked at him. " I could....nevermind...." Reina stopped herself. She shouldn't tell anyone about it. It was not allowed so he may not react right. So Reina stayed quiet. Reina tugged gently at the collar on her neck. It was itching but she couldn't get it off. It had a spell on it and didn't know the reverse spell for it.

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Jecht caught the bag of food. He was going to give it back but then Ven gave Reina something to eat. Besides if someone gives you food and you're hungry, you don't turn it down. And Jecht was weak. He began to eat the food. "Thank you." He said very grateful. Jecht couldn't believe what Reina told them. He felt sorry for her. I've had it pretty good compared to her. He often complained about his life. This made him like otherwise. The food tasted great after not eating anything for a couple days except some plants.

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Reina looked at him and faked a smile. "Your welcome." Her neck started to burn from the collar but she acted like nothing was happening. Reina stared at the ground. She didn't know what to do or say to them. She thought if she did talk then her voice might show signs of pain. What else could she do than just stay quiet? Reina stood there and her ears flattened back again. Her tail was curled tightly around her leg. It started to cut the circulation off of her leg. The burning from the collar started to increase.

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Jecht looked at Reina a little confused. She stayed silent. Her ears were flat and her tail and cuirly tightly around her leg. He had spent time with cats before. He had a pet cat once. Her ears flat and tailed around her body always meant something was wrong. His cat often did it during thunderstorms. "Hey, Reina. Is there something wrong?" He asked her. Jecht watched her face for any signs of emotion. It looked like she was lifeless. Is she trying hiding something? He thought, nobody he knew looked like that.

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Reina bit her lip to stop from crying out as the pain got worse. She didn't mean to bite her lip so hard. Blood dripped on the ground from her lip. Her tail tightened. She was trying so hard not to make a sound but it wasn't working. She groaned from the pain. Reina knew if she touched the collar it would just get worse. She wish it would stop. She didn't like pain especally not this pain. Tears appeared in her eyes so she shut her eyes tightly to stop them from falling. Her fists started to clench. It was going to stop soon right? Reina hoped so.

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Jecht looked at her worried. He helped him out the least he could do was to help Reina somehow. He stepped closer and asked again as he watched her, he could tell she was in pain. "What is it? Tell me." He wanted to step even closer and to touch her even but he knew that seem really weird to her and he might seem like a creep to her.

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The pain suddenly stopped and Reina felt like she was going to pass out. Her tail loosened and she stopped biting her lip. She opened her eyes and her tears fell. It hurt but it was over. Reina looked at him. "I...I'm fine." She was shaking a bit. Was it going to start up again soon or not? Why was this happening? Why couldn't she be free like she wanted? She blinked tears away and faked another smile.

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Jecht felt the urge to grab her hand or to touch her. He wanted to comfort her. He couldn't stand to see her cry for some reason. "You can't fake it when you're crying." He said raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked her a third time. He stared at her eyes which were leaking tears. Jecht could just see her shaking uncontrolably. "Please tell me," Jecht pleaded. He could never take crying. Crying was what you didn't when you couldn't take it anymore. When your emtions took over.

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Jecht felt the urge to grab her hand or to touch her. He wanted to comfort her. He couldn't stand to see her cry for some reason. "You can't fake it when you're crying." He said raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked her a third time. He stared at her eyes which were leaking tears. Jecht could just see her shaking uncontrolably. "Please tell me," Jecht pleaded. He could never take crying. Crying was what you didn't when you couldn't take it anymore. When your emtions took over.

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Jecht felt the urge to grab her hand or to touch her. He wanted to comfort her. He couldn't stand to see her cry for some reason. "You can't fake it when you're crying." He said raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked her a third time. He stared at her eyes which were leaking tears. Jecht could just see her shaking uncontrolably. "Please tell me," Jecht pleaded. He could never take crying. Crying was what you didn't when you couldn't take it anymore. When your emtions took over.

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Reina touched her neck where the collar was and winced. It hurt to touch. Reina stared at him. She didn't know what to say or do. Reina didn't want to tell him but she didn't want to hide it. She was trying to stop her tears but couldn't. She whispered something she didn't mean to say. "I'm sorry master...."She covered her head with her arms as if he was going to hit her.

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Reina touched her neck where the collar was and winced. It hurt to touch. Reina stared at him. She didn't know what to say or do. Reina didn't want to tell him but she didn't want to hide it. She was trying to stop her tears but couldn't. She whispered something she didn't mean to say. "I'm sorry master...."She covered her head with her arms as if he was going to hit her.

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Reina touched her neck where the collar was and winced. It hurt to touch. Reina stared at him. She didn't know what to say or do. Reina didn't want to tell him but she didn't want to hide it. She was trying to stop her tears but couldn't. She whispered something she didn't mean to say. "I'm sorry master...."She covered her head with her arms as if he was going to hit her.

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Jecht looked at her collar and how she grimanced when she touched it. Also what she did afterwards like he was going to hit her, and how she said the word 'master'. She was sold as a slave! He thought fitting the puzzle pieces together. "Ven," He said turning to the guy who gave Reina the fruit. "I think we've gotta get this collar off her." Jecht said urgently.

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Jecht looked at her collar and how she grimanced when she touched it. Also what she did afterwards like he was going to hit her, and how she said the word 'master'. She was sold as a slave! He thought fitting the puzzle pieces together. "Ven," He said turning to the guy who gave Reina the fruit. "I think we've gotta get this collar off her." Jecht said urgently.

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Jecht looked at her collar and how she grimanced when she touched it. Also what she did afterwards like he was going to hit her, and how she said the word 'master'. She was sold as a slave! He thought fitting the puzzle pieces together. "Ven," He said turning to the guy who gave Reina the fruit. "I think we've gotta get this collar off her." Jecht said urgently.

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