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Celestial Chronicles YuGiOh pack


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Celestial Chronicles YuGiOh pack

Hello. This is my first time posting here, so soz in advance. For over a year now, I've been developing an epic crossover fanfic setting (not writing exactly, just thinking of all the turning point and creating motives for original characters). I'll give you a brief.


The multi-verse was created with a delicate balance of spiritual energies. In the center of this multi-verse lies a small universe bound to the center of space time. Within, there are celestial races of humanoid angels and devils, a total of nine, each representing a moral alignment. These people a tasked with the responsibility of protecting the balance of the energies that created them all. They do this by prospering and living together in peace, with a celestial emperor at the heart of their empire. However, one day the first emperor vanished. In haste, a new emperor was deiced upon, however, an ancient cult quickly assassinated the new heir. Before a new emperor was decided upon, Celestra, the name of their universe, fell into civil war. 3000 years later, their failure to achieve peace results in an unbalance severe enough to allow demons to materialize into the physical realm. The army's of Hell begin their march to concur all existence. After Aaron Judes, a ninja styled superhero know as Assassin successfully defends his home world from this blight, he is abducted by a mortal god know as G-man, and against his will, is taken to different universes to fight the growing threat of the demonic blight.


That's as much as I want to reveal at the moment, as I plan to make a Neverwinter Nights Mod based in my setting and also write a fanfic series on it. Anyway back to the point, a couple of months ago I got enthusiastic about Yu Gi Oh cards and found this site and made a few cards based on my setting. I tried my best to keep the cards as balanced and as true to the characters they represent as possible. Here's what I have so far....





This card can only be set or tribute summoned if "multi-verse" is on the field. You can sacrifice Zombie type monster's on your side of the field to increase the ATK & DEF of this monster by 200. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle by a card that is not "Ammon Jerro" then you can discard one card from your hand to special summon this monster from your graveyard in your Stand By Phase.












This card can only be special summoned by paying half your life points, plus an additional 1500 while "multi-verse" is on the field. A card that attempts to attack this card becomes under your control for two turns. This card is then removed from play until the end of the two turns, where after it is special summoned back to the field. At the end the two turns you then have the option of two choices, increase your life points by the ATK & DEF of the controlled monster or make the ATK & DEF of this monster the same as the controlled monster. If the controlled monster is destroyed within the two turns special summon this monster back to field with no additional effects.


Do note this first public post detailing about my setting, so please be soft. Let me know of what you think about my unfinished set so far.

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Well since you don't want to know your errors are in OCG is, I'll just skip it. Master Chief's effect seems more guaranteed save, rather than luck, like how he was kinda described with. Cortana is a... um, what's the word I'm looking for? Well the Arbiter Card makes him look more sneaky rather than being a powerful leader. The ODST don't really look that great neither, their effect doesn't look as awesome as I hoped.

Well to top it all off, I was hoping for a bit more.

Pics could be better.


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I'll give you my reasons for their effects. Arbiter can cloak (spelling fail), and I would argue that his skill in battle should be reflected by his attack points. Master Chief, his shields = 1 spell counter. Cortana, she gives strategic advantage to John when they are together, and she is an A.I. , so I don't see a reason to have her as a monster card. ODST's, they drop behind enemy lines, and are more skilled than normal marines, thus their 100 point advantage in comparison. Do note that it has been more than 6 months since I looked at these, and now that I look at them, I do admit, some of their effects are not true to character, but their effects are based on their ability's in comparison to each other and not on popularity. I know the pics are @#$% but I don't know where to look for good detailed art. Tell me what you think the effects should of been.

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