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My Dragon ball Z cards PRO


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I really like these cards. I dont like their attack points, but their effects make up for it i guess. I just REALLY dont like the idea of any DBZ character as weak, cause that show is like the best show ever made. It means alot to me. You didnt make trunks ):< Oh well. Nice job. Good pics. I really dont want to rate.

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do not worry i guess another day ill make trunks, and a whole lot of other people

tommorow ill make more cards hopefully better, and better attack.

SNM CLAN FOR MW2 ON XBOX360 email if you want to join


GamerTag: SaCrEd eLeMeNtZ

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SNM Clan, huh?

You are looking at the Empire of Frieza Clan's Henchman, master of Zarbon and Raditz on Dragon Ball: Raging Blast for the 360!

Now back on topic, well, I kinda dislike Goku's effect, he doesn't really go for a enemy he has no idea what it is(well he does, lol), he fights them head on, almost right away.

[spoiler=Opinion if your willing to read the rest]Super Saiyan Goku, why is it that you need a Saiyan monster to summon, why not like how he turned Super Saiyan the first time, when Krillin was blown outta the Sky, then his raged causing him to be the Legendary Super Saiyan.(Not Broly Legendary!)

I also dislike Ginyu's effect, he has no Change Ability, you just put him as some Tribute Fodder, the Captain of the Ginyu Force of all people.

Why is Teen Gohan a Spirit Monster?

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan doesn't seem all that great...

Super Saiyan 2 Goku, why is it that his effect doesn't suit him at possibly at all...

Vegeta, he usually known for being cocky alot, not being a bit informative, like how your normal form card is...



They are just copied and pasted effects, especially Majestic Star Dragon

and I had high hopes too...

Pics need work


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