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Reality (PG-16)[Not Started/Accepting]

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p><p>A dream you

Bio:(Four lines or more)

Weapons(If any):

Dream power:(Be creative!)


[spoiler=Incense App]




Bio:(4 lines)

Weapons(If any):

Dream Power:(Be creative!)



  • All YCMRP rules and YCM rules apply.
  • Absolutely positively NO GOD MODDING!!!! Just because you are in a dream doesn't mean you can corner someone with one or two posts!
  • What I say goes
  • Advanced Clause
  • you can have up to two character unless I say otherwise.
  • 1st warning, nothing happens. 2nd warning neg repped, 3rd warning you are perma banned and your character is killed.



[spoiler=My Apps]

[spoiler=1st App]

Name:Unkown, Codename: the shadow


[spoiler=Appearance:]http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/4593/baneqz6.jpg' alt='baneqz6.jpg'>



Personality:Mysterious, quiet, collective, cool in a sense, always keeps his mind on the goal

Position: Leader

Bio:The Shadow is the leader of the group known as Incense, they rule the Dream rule and control each being in making them act dead. His goal is to make each and every human useless and break reality. He has thwarted Inline's plan's on multiple occasions. But now he has become more serious than ever. He is unforgiving and never let's anyone order him around. The shadow also will kill anyone who appose him.

Weapons(If any):

[spoiler=The Black Book]


The Black book holds spells which The Shadow can cast, it can be almost anything, there is even one for stealing one's soul.


Dream power: Shadows, it's like controlling energy, you can make anything from shadows, and he can become a shadow.



[spoiler=accepted members]

.:Storm:. : Alex Kane

Crisis King: Razikale Myentis



[spoiler=Incense members]

Leader=The Shadow

2nd in command=Razikale Myentis


Other member(s)=



Anyone who want's to make a Banner or something for this RP gets +Repped and 50 points.

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Is this based on Inception or The Matrix?


I'll join anyhow:

[spoiler= My App]

Name:Alex Kane




Personality: Alex is quick thinking yet observant. He is creative, sensible and calm.

Special Skill: Excels in martial arts and is incredibly fast.

[spoiler=A dream you've had:]


I woke up in a cramped village town which had been coverted into a school. In the school, your grades had to perfect otherwise you would be made to leave and be trapped in the "Pit". I failed all my tests and the was put into the pit, a underground dungeon in which Alien and Predator hunted eachother and killed any humans in there way. I escaped and found my old home in the village had been overgrown with plants. Thats all I can remember.


Bio: Living a normal life, Alex was creative even as a small child. When he was older, kids would pick on him and tease him. They through bricks through his windows and stole things from his house. Alex had had enough and would sometimes refuse to go to school becuase of these children. A few years later, it got out of hand. When his mother was picking him up from school, the kids followed them and killed his mother with a knife and beated him to near death. He swore revenge and started to learn every kind of martial art he could and was incredibly fast. He found the kids and beat them to near death. He was then recruited as an F.B.I agent for being efficient and ruthless and was a good agent. Soon after, he was put on the team for his mastery in martial arts and speed.

Weapons(If any): Two knifes which he uses in each hand:


Dream power: To be able to control and create ice as well as freeze things.


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Name: Razikale Myentis

Age: Unknown

Position: 2nd in command, if that is ok. If not 3rd

[spoiler= Appearance]





o Razikale searches for the field of prism energy. After much searching, Razikale came across an old record of the mysterious energy's origins that he uses in battle. The record dispelled many rumors that it was a product of the intertwined realms of the real and dream worlds. The record spoke of a great field with an infinite amount of the prism energy that is created by a powerful crystal in the center. Razikale set off from the setting where he found the record to track down the field. Soon after that, Razikale joined Incense in the hope that they'd be able to help him accomplish his existence's goal.

Weapons(If any):

[spoiler=Weapon Image]


o Dream Ephemeral Sword

The Dream Ephemeral Sword is the only weapon that will not break when Razikale unleashes the energy stored in the prisms. It augments Razikale's abilities a little and allows him to channel prism energy into the sword to create a few powerful attacks.



Dream Power

o [Dream Force Manipulation]

In the World of Dreams, there exists an powerful energy that permeates the Dream World. This energy is scattered and exists in small to large amounts all over the Dream World. Razikale is able to see and sense it. Patches of the energy appear to him as prisms of energy floating in the air. When Razikale finds the energy, he is able to draw it to him and break the prism open to absorb whatever energy is inside and store it in his body. The energy has many uses and the more energy Razikale has, the more powerful he becomes. Razikale gains powers based on the amount of energy he has. At the right energy levels; Razikale can move at super-speed and detect prisms at a larger radius. The prism energy can be used to manipulate several elements around him in the dream world and in addition to being very powerful, he can also fashion unique and dangerous attacks using it.


A downside to his power is that he must break open a prism to restore his supply of prism energy, thus it doesn't replenish by itself. Furthermore, breaking open a prism takes a minute or two so he won't be using mass amounts. Whenever he used his powers before, the weapon he used would always break due to the energy's powerful nature. However the Dream Ephemeral Sword he carries is immune to breaking.



[End of Application]


Well there is the App. If I could pose a question, I have no clue what to call the energy he uses save prism energy. If anyone could come up with a more specific name, I'd appreciate it.

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Name: Nero Sakushi

Age: 14

[spoiler=Appearance:] dragon_warrior_by_sandara.jpg


Position: 3rd in command

Bio: Although the youngest member of Incense, he is considered the most brutal. He loves to chop his oppoenents into the smallest pieces possible and stain his weapon with their blood, wether they be woman, man, or child. He joined just for the sake of being with "the bad guys". He has no true motive.

Weapons(If any): Naginata

Dream Power: The ability to tear dimensional holes into the world. Also, super strength/dexterity.

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Name: Nero Sakushi

Age: 14

Position: 3rd in command

Bio: Although the youngest member of Incense' date=' he is considered the most brutal. He loves to chop his oppoenents into the smallest pieces possible and stain his weapon with their blood, wether they be woman, man, or child. He joined just for the sake of being with "the bad guys". He has no true motive.

Weapons(If any): Naginata

Dream Power: The ability to tear dimensional holes into the world. Also, super strength/dexterity.[/quote']

please include an appearance description or picture.


I got bored so I made a banner for this RP






Awesome! Sank you! +reps and 50 points!

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