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My DBZ cards. I don't overuse the OVER 9000 joke!

Cobra Sting

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I'm going to have most of the main charactors, and several spells, and of course super saiyen forms.




A Saiyen who is prone to destroying his scouter when an opponents power level is over 9000.




A Saiyen who was raised on earth. Unlike most Saiyens, he prefers to not kill his foes.




After this card attacks, lower it's Attack to 1400 and destroy all Equip Spell cards affecting this card.




Lowers the attack of all Human-Type monsters on the field by 500.




Search through your deck for any Normal, Quick-Play, or Equip spell card, and show it to your opponent. Then put it in your hand.

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Okay, I'll rate each card.



Vegeta: Most people don't like Normal Cards on here. He is pretty balanced though. 6.9/10



Goku: Again, most people don't like Normals. His pic isn't great. 7.1/10



Nappa: Surprisingly well balanced. The OCG(Original Card Grammar) is wrong.


OCG Fix: When this card destroys a monster, lower it's ATK to 1400 and destroy all Equip Spell Cards equipped to it.


I think that's right. And why is he stronger thank Goku and Vegeta? 7.6/10



Mr. Popo: his OCG is wrong too.


OCG Fix: While this card is face-up on the field, all Warrior-type monsters lose 500 ATK.


I changed it to Warrior because most people on here don't use fake types. Why is HE stronger than Goku and Vegeta? He's weak compared to them. And why is he so evil? 6.1/10



Dragon Radar: OCG is wrong here.


OCG Fix: Add 1 Normal, Quick-Play or Equip Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.


Okay pic and effect. 8/10



Overall: 35.7/50.0 I wouldn't use fake types or Vanillas(Monsters without effects) if I were you. You can, but more advanced people never use them. In my opinion, you should change Nappa, Goku and Vegeta to Warriors and Mr. Popo to Spellcaster. Still okay for a new member.

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Mr. Popo is as strong as Nappa..... lulz.

Also, I would suggest you make Goku and Vegeta stronger, and make hem LV. monsters. You know, Goku LV. 5 could be like

Kaio-Ken, and Vegeta LV. 5 could be his Saiyan Ape Form.(I dont like LV. monsters. To much work.)

Overall, a 4 out of 10 dragonballs. ( i made a joke, yippeee!)

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First off, thanks for the ratings. About Mr. Popo, just watch TFS abridged. For Nappa, I don't know. I wanted to make it so he comes out strong, but is then obliterated. Like, he puts all his strength inot his first punch. About the OCG: sorry, I don't have the correct way to right it stored in memory. I'm only 11. Not that It's that good of an excuse...

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