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Angel Beats!


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Tenshi is from Angel Beats, some translators just call her "Angel" which is the translation of her japanese name. The magic cards shown here are her abilities which were shown in the show and come from some sort of computer program in the world that she exists in. The question of whether or not she is really an Angel is tossed back and forth throughout the show, and is finally answered in one of the episodes (I won't say what she really is).

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I believe that while it is a pretty good concept, it could see some refining.

Tenshi - I don't mind fake Types usually that much, but it makes them lack in support. I don't know the series, so I have no idea if Fairy-Type would work for her or not. Her stats are pretty low for a Level 8 monster (At least her Level makes Trade-In usable). The effect is nifty, but abusable (Axe of Despair, Mage Power, United We Stand, etc.). I would increase her stats a bit (like, to 2500/2000) and make her effect so she can search only for "Guard Skill" Equip Spell Cards. 6/10 now, 7.5/10 if changed.

The Guard Skill Equip Spell Cards are rather simple, yet I see what you were going to do with them. Some extra effects could be nice, though. 6.5/10

Guard skill - Howling feels a bit oddly worded. How long does the effect of this card supposed to work? Until the End Phase, I guess. For this, you should definitely add "You can activate the effect of this card only if you control a face-up "Tenshi"." 5/10 now, 7/10 if changed.

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Well, I changed the effects since they did actually confirm what I wanted the set to be like, and I had meant to have the "Guard Skill - Howling" last until the end of the turn, but forgot to put it down. As for the type, It goes along with my Demi-human and human cards, which do have specific cards for their types even though I haven't shown them yet or just how many (Demi)humans I've made yet. Either way, there's quite a few, and this way I can more easily control how the cards are used and so they can't be abused by some spell/trap/monster that's in the OTCG that I don't know about.

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Well, I have to admit that I was not aware of your other Demi-Human cards or their support. If they do work together well and there is a justification for the fake Type, I don't mind it that much. Your explanation being to avoid possible overpowered combos is something I can accept. I would like to see some more cards based on that idea.

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