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New warrior type monster (rate and comment please):

Image credit goes to: Beloved Creature




EFFECT: When this card attacks a defense position monster and destroys it, select one card from your opponent's hand, if it's a trap card, inflict 500 point to your opponent's life points, if it's a Spell card, inflict 300 points to your life points, if its a monster card, both this card and the opponent's selected card are destroyed and removed from play.

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Very creative effect the fact that it can remove or reveal a card in your opponets hand is very effective. say for example you destroy his facedown which is a ryko, it would of taken you down but since this effect activates you could -1 your opponent, the trade off is 2 for 1.

In a more complex way to look at it your getting to know yur opponents hand everytime you destroy a monster, making you have a proper counter to any play he has plus say for example you take down a monster then discard a monster in his hand if that monster that wa discard in his hand could of destroyed yur monster its like removing it from play before it even gets the chance to hit the field. 9.7/10

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