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Exodia Unlimited Draw


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OK, here's what you need.



Foolish Burial



Manticore of Darkness

Card Of safe Return



Manticore of Darkness and Exodia Pieces.


OK, here's what you do. First, activate Foolish Burial and send Manticore of Darkness to the graveyard. Then, end your turn and activate Manticore's effect. Send to the graveyard Manticore of Darkness and Special Summon the Manticore in your graveyard. Then draw a card by effect of COSR. Repeat, untill you draw all pieces of Exodia.



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I have all of those cards, -1 Foolish Burial.

It's a good combo, but you should also pack some

Dark Bribe's or Solemn Judgements' in case your

opponent has a Bottomless Trap Hole or something.

Heavy Storm would help this combo. And Manticore

doesn't have to be on the field to use his effect,

if he's in your hand and you send a manticore to

the graveyard with foolish you just discard your

manticore to start the loop.

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ang again... follish burial WON'T be banned because exodia deck' date=' NO ONE can run a decent exodia deck that can win locals or a SJ... so quit that stupid "this card must be banned" thing...



Orochi, I know a guy that uses this combo. He almost always top 4's in my local tourny. I never know if he wins because I never stay around long enough. >_>

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ang again... follish burial WON'T be banned because exodia deck' date=' NO ONE can run a decent exodia deck that can win locals or a SJ... so quit that stupid "this card must be banned" thing...



Orochi, I know a guy that uses this combo. He almost always top 4's in my local tourny. I never know if he wins because I never stay around long enough. >_>


so? it doesn't mean that he can win or top a world championship, or a SJC... local tournaments only determines the skills of the players on a specific zone... if the players on that touney can fall on that combo, they must learn to make good sidedecks...

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