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Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina

Jacob Slottet

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pretty cool set, the altered form should have a better pic T-T


i will help u with pics: http://www.pixiv.net/search.php?word=%E3%82%AE%E3%83%A9%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E3%83%8A&s_mode=s_tag

u need to sign up for that site, but it shouldn't be TOO hard

there are whole bunch of pics with giratina in it so use it if u want =D


if you want other pics for dialga or palkia just go to the Search Bar and type in



u don't have to use that site if you don't want to, you can try Safebooru if you can't sign up for pixiv or don't want to use it, safebooru is usable without signing up and its in English lol

u don't have to even listen to what i just said if you don't want to, i mean it's all up to you lol


Dialga seems pretty good, i mean, skipping turns is something not a lot of cards have in their effects lol


the only card i know that can skip the opponent's whole turn is Arcana Force: the World and that is a Level 9, need to get heads on the Summon, and you need to Tribute 2 monsters during the End Phase so yeah lol

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Dialga's Broken, lol, sorry to say, but he's just plain broken

You have a 2/3 chance of making a Draw Lock every turn, and if you had 3 of them, your chances are ridiculously in your favor, Arcana Force XXI - The World's effect is even hard to pull off, it has a 50/50 chance of getting Heads, and he requires two monsters to skip the next turn

OCG errors which are just the capitalization errors

Meh on pics

All overpowered


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correction: he has 1/4 chance to get a Draw Lock and 1/6 chance to get a Turn Skip.. i think lol


giratinna's origin form has a bit of a broken effect, i mean yeah he leaves the field during the End Phase but it doesn't really matter if he appears again during the Battle Phase, in fact that's a good thing he only appears during the Battle Phase since Black Rose and things like that can't kill it then lol

well actually the most broken part of that card is it gets removed from play when it is in your hand, if you take that out then it's perfectly fine lol


palkia's effect isn't really broken, just change the effect to 2/3=discard 1 and 3/3 = discard 2 and raise the ATK a bit and he's a perfectly fine card in my opinion lol


the alter form has a UP effect in my opinion.. at least raise the DEF to 3000 =3


u can put a cost of tributing 1 Level 4 or higher monster for Dialga's effect and i think its alright... since then you can't keep reuse Treeborn or anything but still have a tribute cost

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They may be overpowered, but who cares? It's Pop Culture.

Effects fit nicely. I especially like Giratina's adaptation of Shadow Force. ;)


Oh and also, Dialga's Turn Skip effect has a 1 in 8 chance. lrn2maths. jk

But the Draw-skipping effect has a 3/8 chance. Add them up and you get a 1 in 2 chance of severely screwing your opponent over either way. So if you do plan on modifying them, then yeah, I'd suggest a fairly large cost. Although Timeater (a card I used to like, even though I only had a fake version) needs 1 Tribute, has 1900 ATK and can skip their Main Phase just by destroying a monster. I suppose it's open to interpretation (and conditions at the time) whether that's worse than the Draw Phase. Since if they have no Attack Position monsters, all they can do is draw.


Personally, I think Spacial Rend (or Spatial, as it should be spelled) would translate beautifully into Ground Collapse.

....You know what Ground Collapse does, right?

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