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Random Boring Card


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I was bored. So i made a boring card. Therefore, it sucks. Enjoy the suckiness.



This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect. You can Special Summon this card by destroying 4 cards you control. If your opponent destroys a card you control due to a card effect, destroy 1 card your opponent controls. Each time a card is destroyed due to this card's effect, place 1 Lightning Counter on this card. You can remove 3 Lightning Counters from this card to inflict 1800 Damage to your opponent.

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i like it but it could be abused due to there being plenty of cards that benefit from them being destroyed via effects. and may i ask why 1800???? (10/10)


Cuz it burns more. and not really, this card probably wouldnt survive to give the 1800


doesnt matter about trib or sacrifice same thing and its a typo i ment 3


3 monsters? Hell no.

3 Cards? Theres no harm making it harder to Special Summon

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Their called Tributes and its a Level 7 so it already has two Tributes. And it doesnt HAVE to be Special Summoned.


I think she meant change the number of cards you had to tribute to special summon the monster. This way, this card could be special summoned by a combination of 1 monster and 1 magic/trap, or 2 magic/trap. It would also allow the player to special summon him instead of just a regular tribute summon. With 4 cards having to be sacrificed for the special summon, it would be much easier and less expensive to normal summon it in all situations. (5 hand cost vs 3 hand cost)


It's effect would generate it's charges quicker than you think since it does include magic and trap, and would probably occur quicker while still being less of a threat if you didn't allow it to destroy a card as a result of it's initial effect. This would also allow for the scaling down of the required 4 card sacrifice to a 2 card sacrifice for the special summon.

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