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[LiAM] NewTemplate FIRE


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The font you're using for the lore and type/ATK and DEF are weird. You should use Matrix Book for the lore, and Matrix for type/ATK and DEF. And center the lore too would be nice and more realistic.


As for the card, it seems a little under powered. Only 100 per turn ? Even if you have 3 of things they will only lose 300 per turn.



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Good pic and a great effect as long as you can keep this card on the field for long enough




(I didnt include the template in the rate , the template is good and better than the other one you had but the only thing that looks wrong is the text/effect its too big and disent fit in too well , you might want to test a few more to get a AWSOME temlate )

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Well I can't get the Matrix font, I only have the other ones, the ATK/DEF thing was bothering me, but it looks fine and still realistic enough.


Learnt something new for the effect, so gonna start making more cards with new techniques now.


&lol, PM me for template info

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