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Alien stories

Chaos Dralcax

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Do aliens exist? what stories (not UFO ones because there almost always hoaxes) prove that? share those stories here.


Venus flytraps are only native to an area near a meteor crash site. Coincidence? or was that meteor really a spaceship with aliens and SEEDS aboard?


Post any similar stories here.

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Aliens exist, why?


We live on one planet out of 8, those 8 are located in our star/solar system, that star system is located in a galaxy with many more, that galaxy is in a universe with billions of galaxys, that means theres at least 999 trillion planets, so yeah, I dont think that only 1/999,000,000,000,000 planets is going to have life, there has to be more

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I ddnt consider bacteria intelegent, you know, because its a cell


I don't either.


I just stated that midgets driving UFOs probably don't exist and the life on other planets that we may encounter in the near future are probably going to be bacterial.


I never stated that intelligent life besides us doesn't exist.

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Do aliens exist? what stories (not UFO ones because there almost always hoaxes) prove that? share those stories here.


Venus flytraps are only native to an area near a meteor crash site. Coincidence? or was that meteor really a spaceship with aliens and SEEDS aboard?


Post any similar stories here.


Its probably because meteorites give away a nutrient to flourish tropical plants like Venus Fly Traps. Not a coincedence, but maybe. But there is a definite chance something is out there.

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People are so into today's general view of aliens and think that they're colosal murdering monstrous beings that they forget that most alien life are microorganisms.


People saying the humans are the only smart beings in the entire universe are utterly retarded.

So yeah, i highly believe in aliens (:

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Do aliens exist? what stories (not UFO ones because there almost always hoaxes) prove that? share those stories here.


Venus flytraps are only native to an area near a meteor crash site. Coincidence? or was that meteor really a spaceship with aliens and SEEDS aboard?


Post any similar stories here.


The Venus Flytrap has NOTHING to do with aliens.

Though it's specific actions are uncommon, it is a tropism.

While I'm pretty sure it's the only one with that specific tropism, tropisms themselves are highly common.

Besides, Venus Flytraps are not as they are commonly portrayed.

They are seen as plants that move their entire body in order to eat stuff.

What they really do is when an insect, or any other small enough creature, crawls in between it's leaves, it reacts by closing the leaves so the creature cannot escape. Then, it uses digestive juices to physically eat the create. And this is only their ALTERNATE source of sustenance It's not like their gigantic monsters that devour everything.


The Venus Flytrap has Thigmotropism, a plant's reaction to touch.

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I beleive that intelligent, warm blooded humanoid reptiles may exist on an earth like planet where dinosaurs did not become extinct.


Dude, like what someone said "There is 999 trillion planets". Who ever said they have the same dinosaurs as us? There could be animals that look like something from Star Wars. Who knows. But I doubt I will be alive when they get into a worm hole.

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that was me, anyway, Dinosaurs on a differant planet? insane! BLASFAMEY! HOBPOCKERY! I dont know what that last word means but it fits well! Anyway, I belive there could be species quite like the ones you may see on any spore game, you never know what theyre going to look like, for all we know, were the weirdest looking aliens ever

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Aliens are real.The Government and Area 51 have special information about the aliens.People that wonder around Area 51 will get shot because they dont want anybody to know that there's really aliens.Have you ever heard of Men In Black?M.I.B kill the people that say information about the aliens on the news,internet,anywhere.Search Area 51 and M.I.B and aliens on Wikipedia.Good information.

As for Venus Flytraps,I've seen them.They're actually calm.They're also really small.

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