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5-0 at Locals


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Monsters: 21

x3 Sirocco

x2 Caius

x1 DAD


x3 Shura

x3 Kalut

x2 Doomcaliber

x2 Blizzard

x2 Bora

x2 Vayu

x1 Gale


Spells: 10

x2 Whirlwind

x2 Book

x1 Allure

x1 B-Con

x1 Mind Con

x1 Heavy

x1 Trunade

x1 MST


Traps: 9

x3 Icarus

x2 Opression

x1 Solemn

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Torrental

x1 Starlight Road


Extra: 15

x2 Armor Master

x2 Armed Wing

x1 Silverwind

x2 Stardust

x1 Black Rose

x1 Catastor

x1 Goyo

x1 Brionac

x1 Thought Ruler

x1 Colossal

x1 RDA

x1 Scrap Archfiend


Side Deck: 15

x2 Rai-oh

x2 D Prison

x2 Bottomless

x2 Fader

x1 Gorz

x1 Trag

x1 CotH

x2 Smashing

x1 PoA

x1 Morphing Jar


This thing beat 2 BW mirror matches, LS, Infernities and Frognarchs


then i entered top 16, beat Six Samurais, but lost to a mirror match in top 8


so went 7-1 in total, not too bad if u ask me, need any advice to better this if u see something

x1 Starlight

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