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[|\/|] Any Genex experts here? [|\/|]


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I hope so...


I was hoping to use R-Genex Accelerator to SS like crazy but it hasn't worked out that well. Any help with this mess?


Total 40


Monsters 20

3x Genex Controller

3x Genex Ally Birdman

3x Genex Neutron

2x Genex Power Planner

3x Genex Searcher

3x Genex Undine

3x R-Genex Accelerator


Spells 11

2x BoM

1x B-Con

1x Trunade

1x Heavy

1x M-Con

1x Mbaas

1x MST

1x POA

2x Smashing


Traps 9

2x Bottomless

3x D-Prison

1x Mirror

1x Solemn

1x TT

1x Starlight


Extra 15

1x Catastr

1x Amory Arm

1x BRD

1x Brionac

2x Genex Ally Triarm

2x Genex Ally Triforce

1x Goyo

1x Hydro Genex

1x Lightning Warrior

2x Stardust

1x Trishula

1x Windmill Genex

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