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First Gigavise(Now Il Advice)

The ReBeL

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Il Blud x2
Pyramid Turtle x3
Goblin Zombie x2
Zombie Master x3
Gale the Whirlwind
Plaguespreader Zombie
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2
Cyber Dragon x3
Chaos Sorceror
Dark Armed Dragon
Caius the Shadow Monarch

Book of Moon x2
Burial From a D.D.
Supervise x2
Foolish Burial
Allure of Darkness
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
My Body as a Shield
Book of Life x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Solemn Judgment
Starlight Road
Dust Tornado x2
Mirror Force
Trap Stun

15 generics
(2 roses and should i add 1 ptool)
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i personally dont like zombie world...
where the f*** is mezuki.........

- 2 zombie world (more of a side deck card if not)
- terraforming
- 1 chaos sorcerer (you only have 4 targets)
- 1 supervise (i dont like 3)

+ mezuki
+ burial from a different dimension
+ caius
+ 2 book of moon
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