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The Dude Store


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No spamming!
No bugging me after youv'e placed your order form! I will get to it as soon as I can!
Splice - 5 points
Two pokemon for 5 points, +5 points for any extra
Waiting time: 1 day - 1 week

Sprite Recolour - FREE
Waiting time: ???
[spoiler=Order Forms]

Sprite Recolour
Sprite 1: (Please link to the sprite) This is the sprite that you want the coulour changing.
Sprite 2: (Please link to the sprite) This is the sprite with the colours to change sprite 1.

(Obsiden, if there are any problems with this order form please tell me.)
Boss: CDude
Staff: Obsiden
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[quote name='fire dud' timestamp='1286831954' post='4697251']
hello could u please splice me pichu and mew togather please i will pay when is done
If you would like a splice, please fill in an order form. Also, you have to pay first. +1 rep for being my first customer :)

I repped you, not you repped me.

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[quote name='fire dud' timestamp='1287610157' post='4721153']


pokemon: pichu mew how mutch should I pay

p.s do u do banners because I need one and would love if u could make me a nice quick one(1-3 days)

If not that's OK too I can find someone else
Please pay 5 points and say when you have done so I can get to work.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote name='fire dud' timestamp='1287942292' post='4732398']
i payed u 5 points now can i have my pichu mew please if not giving i will neg rep u (no offense just ive beeen waiting forever)
Sorry about the wait!

[quote name='Broken Dreamer' timestamp='1289751926' post='4784090']
Hey can I work here?
Sure I need the extra workforce!

Please can you let me know what you can do!

[quote name='jacy' timestamp='1289617237' post='4780493']
I would like a splice: Mew two and charizard I have paid
Sorry about the wait!
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[quote name='fire dud' timestamp='1289942439' post='4789637']
Thx nice results

awsome. sorry for judging u
Thats ok.

[quote name='Some Guy in a Whambulance' timestamp='1289849665' post='4787110']
Pokemon: Teddiursa
Base: Doduo
Other: None
Payment: 6 points (Keep the tip.)
Is the Dodou male or female?

P.S: Thanks for the tip!
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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote name='fire dud' timestamp='1290910012' post='4814825']
Hey could u splice this

yea thx


http://storystack.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/shadow.png?w=51&h=51 shadow

sonic http://storystack.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/sonic.png?w=38&h=48

splice them plzz thxx bye
Sorry, probably not. If you have already paid then I shall give you a refund.
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[quote name='libra-anubis' timestamp='1290911345' post='4814894']
Hey can I have a splice Base Pikachu second Lucario
just payed
Is the Pikachu male or female?

[quote name='fire dud' timestamp='1290964177' post='4816154']
I did not pay yet, but y not? It is a sprite, just not a pokemon whats the problem? U said U do splices and sprites were in your iteams that u do, So whats the problem?
I can do it, but it won't be very good because of the sizes. If you could find some sprites with the same body size (it dosn't matter about the hair), that would be great!
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